Don't just listen to this host of pointless skeptics, who have no doubt never studied astrology. The tabloid end of astrology is indeed bunk.
Paracelsus could have been classed as a Christian-astrologer.
The order of Rosicrucians have an interesting view of astrology.
I am starting to believe that we are intimately linked into every aspect of the universe we inhabit and that we are each given our distinctive personality at the moment that spirit joins flesh at our birth (when we take the breath of life into our lungs?).
The planets each resonate with their own energy and who is to say that this energy does not add an individual signature to each of us at birth? A cosmic fingerprint
As long as you do not claim that astrology is a science, the skeptics will leave you alone. However, there is a degree of observation and measure employed within astrological study, so there skeptic