Orange County Choppers

by got my forty homey? 13 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    Has anyone noticed other than me that this TV show is getting repititive and boring. Its the same crap every week. Little Mikey works slow and then assemblies the bike in 1/2 an hour to make the deadline. The Father yells that the shop is dirty and the deadline is not being met. Then the New York Fire Department appears in every episode. The stupid Brother with the hippy haircut gets in the way, things are slammed and brokenm someone gets a new tatoo.


  • Farkel

    home boy,

    I like that kind of show, and yes, you are right. I commented to a friend about a month ago that the whole show looks scripted. The old man rags on his kids and staff. Then he becomes a good guy and hugs everyone. Parts are ALWAYS late in delivery. (Doesn't anyone plan in advance?) Mikey is the whipping boy: he's hairy, he's fat, he's cute, and he's allegedy very dumb.

    Yep. It IS boring for those of us who have watched it enough times. For some strange reason the bikes ALWAYS gets finished one minute before deadline. In the Monster House series the house ALWAYS gets finished one minute before deadline.

    Amazing how that works, huh?

    It must all be Bible-Based(tm)!


  • XQsThaiPoes

    I notice that the dates on those shows stuff is supposed to get there never match. it is like they try to make every bike look like it is built in 7 days. THey also make it look like each bike is built alone. I noticed that some bikes from other shows are partially finished in the back ground too. But if you listen the dates hint that each bike is built in months in advance and just put to gethere late every time. Also if you notice they use the same parts over and over. I dont think the show is so much scripted but they edit it to make it seem rushed.

  • Gadget
    Little Mikey works slow and then assemblies the bike in 1/2 an hour to make the deadline.

    When I was rebuilding old cars I always started off so slow, taking time over everything to get it perfect, then ending up realising I wasn't going to get it finished in time and having to rush at the end! I know a few people who built cars fro shows who ended up working 24hrs days to get the car finished in time, often finishing 10 minutes before loading the car on the trailer to take to the show, or even at the show before it opened.

    The Father yells that the shop is dirty and the deadline is not being met.

    Who wants to tidy up when you could be doing fun things with an Angle grinder and welder.......

    Then the New York Fire Department appears in every episode.

    I've lost count of the number of times I set my workshop on fire.

    The stupid Brother with the hippy haircut gets in the way, things are slammed and brokenm someone gets a new tatoo.

    This is why if you look at a lot of workshops they also have a lock on the inside too, but in commercial shops you need to be open to customers to get work and so you get allsorts of people wondering in and getting in the way. And when things aren't going to well alot of things get broke. And as for the tattoo's, how often is there another thread appears on here that someone has a new one?

    It sounds just like real life, except life is boring..........

  • exjdub


    You are right on point. The show has become a caricature and is very boring now and looks fabricated like every other reality show. The Osbournes went the same way.


  • DanTheMan

    In the television industry, this is known as the Three's Company formula.

    Yes this show is coasting on its former success and will probably be canceled within a year.

    Every chopper shop in the country oughta be paying these guys royalties though.

  • BeautifulGarbage

    I thought the toilet paper decorated xmas tree, with the pic of the ole man on top, was very funny.

    Otherwise, yes, the formula is getting old.

  • sf

    Jesus Christ. Don't watch it then. Good lord, there are many other shows to tune in to today. Why torture yourself then bitch about your choice of torture.

    Paul and Jesse kick serious ass.

    Incidently, Motorcycle Mania w/ Jesse James (West Coast Choppers, Long Beach...i own about four shirts) and Kid Rock airs tonight (been waiting long time for this) and BIKE WEEK starts tomorrow and each night Biker Build-Off will be aired.

    I've been waiting for these to come on now for some time. These shows take lots of time to get to where they are ready to air. (tune into the websites and message boards on both sites if you want to know the innards of making these shows and the time it takes).

    Discovery channel re-airs these shows so much because THEY ARE WATCHED so much. If the ratings weren't so high, they would not air them. They'd be re-airing other shows. Motorcycle Mania tonight, and Biker Build-Off each night this week will be aired over and over again. I for one, never get tired of watching these guys and their bikes. And Paul Sr. is hysterical.

    And duh. Of course portions are's tele-vision.

    Again, why torture yourself watching it then bitch about your choice of torture to yourself?? Enjoy the pain!!

    And yes, the christmas tree episode was hilarious.

    But I would love to see Mikey get a complete makeover.


  • Farkel

    : But I would love to see Mikey get a complete makeover.



  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    I have stopped watching it now for a month but you see the promo's when you watch the channel. And every week the promo's are the same crap for different bikes. I did think the Aprentence was pretty good but it just seemed funny how they recoreder the winner or loser of the contest and showed thier comments before we the audience found out who won or loss.

    Its like watching films of Hitler when he was a young man leading rebel armies as a young man, or film clips of Muhammed Atta throwing stones at tanks in Palestine as a youth. It seems as if these people are planted by someone who controls the future. Maybe its Nosetradamus.

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