Gumboxers Hijacked!

by Valis 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    So I get this cool pair of boxer shorts w/Coors Light logos all over it from my good friend Gumbifornication and what happens? I take them to CSG's house to put on when I wanted to relax...well I didn't get them there very long before she had foisted them and was wearing said boxers....they may never be seen again...R.I.P.


    District Overber of the "Grief Stricken" class

  • simplesally

    Get her a pair of her very own special underwear

    and then take yours back!

  • Valis

    um if that worked I would have already tried.. Some like shoes and well...dammit at least one likes my clothes more than a new pair of her own...


    District Overbeer

  • talesin

    Ah, one of the joys of partnership. Getting to 'adopt' your guy's special comfy clothes. Valis, honey, didn't you know? Oh, well, live and learn. :D

    But, Coors Light? Och, I'll have to have a chat with Gumbalicious about that!

    Good taste should prevail, man! Hell, yah.


  • simplesally

    Try wearing her bras and see how she likes it!

  • Satanus

    Maybe the gumbank could send you a dozen, to take care of the shortage. That would solve your problems, but cause them at the gbank. Oops.


  • Celtic

    You wear ruddy caks that look like them that stringy blue thing above, ain't you got no balls man, I mean, where'd they go?

    Celty looks puzzled.

  • gumby

    She should be glad I got you a "modest" pair cuz I WAS gonna get ya this pair

  • shotgun

    Cripes....I wondered where my freakin underwear went..I had those babies for two years and you go and give em to Valis..good thing I never sharted in them.

  • gumby
    I had those babies for two years and you go and give em to Valis..good thing I never sharted in them.

    Shotgun.....I still have that pair of yours.......I made a pillowcase out of them. Other than the snail tracks I can't scrub out, they look good on my bed. I got Valis's pair from the salvation army and had them steam cleaned cuz the lady said they came from a guy who had lice or mites or sumthin. If any of them little boogers lived and they get in Valis's hair, they'll get lost and die anyway.


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