I was watching Oprah the other day. It was about women who committed crimes. Near the end, she interviewed two girls - one who had family support and learnt from her crime/mistake, the other girl was "thrown away" from her parents and had no family support. Oprah made it very clear the mental/social implication of "discarding" someone.
I believe this is what we struggle with the most and why there are so many support groups for ex-JWs. We've been "discarded". We're told we're unworthy and disposable.
I believe we join together to reinforce ourselves, to prove to ourselves that we do have "worth". That it is morally wrong to discard someone.
I believe that any organization (be it work, volunteer organzations, religions) have the right to remove people from groups that don't follow the group's rules, and individuals have a right to leave if they no longer support the group. BUT, I disagree with the excess JWs take with the total "cutting off" from friends and family. Even in society, when you commit a crime, and are sent to prison, you are allowed visits from friends and family.