Why is it cool to make fun of blonds, but not black people?

by Satanus 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • Confucious


    Emmitt Till was a 14 year old black boy from Michigan that visited Louisiana.

    He was bragging to his cousins how he had a white girlfriend.

    To show off, he flirted with a white store keeper.

    The family of the store keeper killed him and it started a national civil rights movement.

    Another example is boxer Jack Johnson, the first black heavyweight champion.

    He flaunted his white girlfriends until the government ran him out of the country.

    This is history.

    Rememember SLAVERY GUYS???

    Blacks were viewed as not even PEOPLE.

    That is wrong. I know that. But to say this crap doesn't exist is closing your mind to the truth.

  • Confucious

    To answer your question Big,

    Because Emmitt Till was showing off and bragging how he had a white girlfriend.

    And this WAS a big deal because the other blacks in Louisiana would have ever THOUGHT about dating a white woman.

    You think Emmitt Till would have bragged if he had a black girlfriend?

    Having a white girlfriend was taboo. And it WAS a status symbol, something to show off to others. Especially his cousins in the deep south.

  • kls

    I remember hearing something about that on the news recently,something about who really killed the kid.

  • bigboi

    It's all a matter of perspective, really.

    A lotof people at that time may have sensationalized Jack Johnson dating white women and saw the fact that he didn't mind being seen in public with them as "flaunting". I say he was just being a man and if any flaunting took place, he did it because she was his lady, not because she was white. Same with Emmit Till. He grew up in a place that was a far cry from the place his relatives inhabited. It was nothing for him to flirt with white women or even have a relationship with them. Rather, than showing how much status he thought he had by flirting with a white woman, i tend to think that the buy was just hshowing he wasn't afraid to talk to them. It was probaby a normal thing where he came from. Emmit Til's later defiance of his killers further shows what kind of attitude he had towards the Jim Crow culture of the South.

  • Confucious


    I think there's some kind of aniversary of his death.

    There's also going to be a movie out, which should be interesting.

  • Confucious



    I understand your point here.

    And I didn't mean to be offensive here either.


  • Satanus


    I mostly agree w your first post. It was well expressed. It is true that 'white' people have been basically running the world. However, that has changed in the last hundred yr or so, even though it is still percieved as the existing situation.

    There is a lot of manipulation of white people coming from another group. To see into this, look for which group dominates the media. Which group mostly has it's fingers on the money. Which group pretty well dominates the legal/judicial field. Most white people feel fear to speak against this group. That says something.


  • Confucious

    Satan Us,

    Yes. I think you got me on that one.

    I think your right. And they are VERY powerful.

  • blondie

    I don't like blonde jokes.....


    (does it count only if you are a natural blonde?)

  • Sassy

    Blondie, I don't think it does.. I was blonde for a year and I still have flashback blonde moments.. so.. I think it could apply to all blondes. natural or not..

    Sass, I would be jealous too If I saw a cutie like you walking about scoping my men :)

    thanks CRR...

    as for black women dating white men.. it is not as common but it does happen..

    one of the women I work with is black and married to a white man....they make the most handsome couple.. and I don't think for them it was a status symbol or trophie for either of them........

    now I know it is for some.. the first black man I dated and ended up engaged to for a time believed he would get farther in a business he was starting if he had me as his PR person to push the sales........

    I am not a sales person and I did not like that he was going to use me.. If he believed in what he was going to sell, he didn't need my white skin to do it.

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