How the hell can anyone grow a duck, just like that anyways??
If You Could Just Tell Someone Off----What Would You Say???
by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends
Right now, if I could tell one particular person off that I am thinking of, I would tell them to take all the information they have been given in it's context BEFORE abscribing qualities and/or actions to me that, in actuality, are not even close to being correct.
growedup who has tired of defending herself for things she hasn't done
There! I feel better now! Thanks, Min!
Mini, you would be surprised.
If I have to tell someone off, then what's the point?
Pearls Before Swine
If you have to tell someone off, what's the point??? The point is you get a REAL good feeling while you're doing it and usually after too.
Thanks to this thread, Mini, I cleared the air at work today..............the GM shook my hand as I left tonight and said thanks for telling him how I felt and that he was glad I cleared the air.
During the conversation he had said that I should not take it personally and get emotional. I told him that he was emotional with his bravado. He said he was just a blockhead and that was how he was. I said, "Well that's how you are. You are a man. I am a woman and this is how I am. You act like that and you'll get this." (and I pointed to the tears in my eyes).......... He said, "Point taken."
Sally, I'm glad I could help! Sorry about your tears, though.
i'd say to the jw family who is shunning me, 'way to go. while you didn't invite me to any of the family's weddings in the past five years, you saved a seat at the family table for the man who abused me physically, emotionally and sexually. i hope you enjoyed his company. have a nice day."
I'd say "what do you want from me for god's sake? What!?? Why always with the questions????? Whyyyy!!??". That's what I'd say, minimus.
If you have to tell someone off, what's the point??? The point is you get a REAL good feeling while you're doing it and usually after too.
I feel you have to look at the long term effects too. What happens once that good feeling wears off? If you are in an abusive situation, you can make it worse if there is no where safe to go to. Make sure you only have to say it once and that you can retreat to a protected situation. Many times the hurt you dish out cannot be taken back so consider your words carefully. Blondie