We are BROKE DOWN. Three days into our trip and we had a blow out on a front tire while Joy was driving at 63 mph. She got us stopped and we started phone calls to get back going again.
So no problem, right. First it is Sunday. But we looked up 24 hr truck tire services on our road atlas program, used the internet (online through cell phone as modem) but no one carries this odd truck tire. "Maybe we can get you one in a day or two, Call back tomorrow during store hours". "But we are on the side of an interstate highway and can't even drive to an RV park" which is true. But we unhitched the car, we can go get a motel if we have to.
Well we are waiting now for a tow truck, the big one for eighteen wheelers. He is going to drag us to the nearest RV park where we will stay as long as it takes to get a tire. Oh well, it just sets us back a little on our intended schedule, but its part of the adventure. I try to look at everything that happens as an adventure.
Meanwhile we aren't exactly suffering. Joy is asleep on the couch after we both had lunch (frig, microwave, air-conditioning running off the generator) and I'm online dumping on my friends.
We still hope to get to Tennessee late Monday or Tuesday. We will keep in touch.
Ps, trying to upload pictures but it is not working so far.