JT in one of his many classic posts pointed out that a common expression in Bethel whenever a new publication would come out would be "which way is the Society leaning in this article?" This was also heard at the Kingdom Halls I attended. I'm sure it is still heard today in dubland.
One has to wonder why the ONLY true Organization chosen by the King Jesus Christ himself would have to "lean" at all. Can you imagine the apostles of Christ after hearing him speak say to themselves, "I wonder which way the Master is leaning with that speech he just gave to us?" Or Moses who just got the tablets containing the famous ten commandments saying to Aaron, "I wwwwww--on--ddddder wwwww-hich wwwwww-ay JJJJJJ-e-hhhh-ovah is lllllllllll, er llllllll-eaning with these ttttttttt-en commandments, AAAAAA-aron." (Moses had a speech impediment. This is Bible-Based(tm))
Yet despite the fact that God is a God of certainty and action and doesn't waver once his mind is made up, dubs blithely accept the fact that their religious leaders "lean" in one direction and if that doesn't work, they "lean" in the other direction. To put it bluntly, they "lean" whichever way the current winds are blowing and then send out test marketing ideas to their dupes. If their dupes don't accept their "leaning" then they "lean" the other way. Eventually after all this "leaning" they write doctrine and claim it is God who is directing them. In fact, this is "test marketing" using dubs as their audience.
So my question is: if the WTS leaders not only have truth, but have God's direct backing, why don't they just come out and say stuff? Why all this "leaning" in this direction or that direction?