Do you welcome change?

by desib77 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • desib77

    Do you welcome change or do you dread it? Do your fears of change ever hinder you for pursuing things that could better your life?

    I think with me they do. The thought of big changes always scares me and I see myself avoiding things that would be a change even if it is possible that it will make my life better. I am always assuming the worst...what if it doesn't work out.....what if I can't deal with it............what if....what if...what if....

    Does fear of change ever get the better of you?


  • sinamongurl

    yes, when i was df'd, I became very depressed and thought I couldnt live without the organization

    then some hottie came into my life, and it got better (not trying to make light of your issue)

    for the most part, change is a good thing, because it keeps you moving forward

    if everything stayed the same, u would never grow

    remember, to every negative action, there is an equal and opposite reaction

    so just welcome change, and keep your head up, there is always something good on the other side

    xoxox sinamon

  • sinamongurl

    oh, and dont "what if" yourself to death

    i still do that, i mean u have to feel your feelings, so allow yourself like 15-30 min to just feel your feelings and

    then just move on

    easier said then done


  • Stefanie

    I dread it. Its scary to start over.

    Thats why it takes me forever!

  • desib77
    I dread it. Its scary to start over.

    I completely agree....I know I need to start over in one area of my life but I'm really scared to. I always think, "What if I can't handle this?". However, I think that changing the secular area of my life might be the key to bettering the personal area and pursuing the goals I have in it.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I have only two words to day to this:

    OHHHHHHH Noooooooooo!

    Country Girl

  • Shutterbug

    Everyone is afraid of change, some more than others. In 1980 my boss sat me in front of a computer moniter and told me it might be in my best interests to learn to use the thing. Well at the age of forty something, believe it, that was not easy. Then they kept coming up with new programs which turned my little world upside down.

    So there is only one conclusion here, computer programers should be thrown in jail.

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    I try to make change my best friend. In this way I am repulsed by the many JW's who were psychopaths and lost the capacity to change and modify their behavior.

  • Nocturne

    A couple of weeks ago at work, I filled out a questionaire (sort of), and it was supposed to give a behaviour predictive index, and in the summary it said that I was conservative and was afraid of change. I have to admit it was dead on about that part. That's when I truly reflected on my life, and how I have always feared change, and have always avoided it. So I realized that maybe that was part of the problem, this fear of change that paralized me from truly getting things done for a change.

    So, to answer your question, yes fear of change has gotten the better of me, probably too often. That's why I'm determined now to change that tendency.

  • desib77
    That's why I'm determined now to change that tendency.

    Me, too..................I'm going to have to.

    I read a book not long ago called "Who moved my cheese?" It is really good in explaining the need for change. Our "cheese" (what ever we want in life) may not always be in the same place. If it moves we can keep coming back to the old place or we can go in search of new "cheese".....sounds silly, I know, but it really is a good book. I really need to read it agin.

    "Who Moved My Cheese?" by Spencer Johnson, M. D.

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