Just curious. Where are you now as you access this website?
Where are you in most cases when you particpate on this site.
I am usually at work although occassionaly my wife and I will access from home.
by pratt1 22 Replies latest jw friends
Just curious. Where are you now as you access this website?
Where are you in most cases when you particpate on this site.
I am usually at work although occassionaly my wife and I will access from home.
Home which is also work.
District Overbeer
I work at home 4 out of 5 days of the week and in office 1 so mostly I access from home but on my work computer.
Im here at work
I'm at work now, and I post from home too.
At home and as a full time mum I guess that means I am also at work!
Are you watching me?
Are you watching me?
Don't scare confused like that. zugz
On my couch, at home. I will also post when sitting on my desk ... but I love sitting on the couch with my laptop and having the TV on ...Gawd, I am lazy Never post from work .....
Blue Bubblegum Girl
At work. It's Monday. It's my business. Come see us a www.greenstead.com! - I'm the one who looks like me and the really really cute one is my daughter.