Descriptive Adjectives that describe the District Convention

by TresHappy 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Freedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter


  • Special K
    Special K

    The worst hemmoroid therapy ever prescribed. sitting and sitting and sitting. Sweating and sweating.

    droning .. it was 1990 and I'm thinking about it.. and I'm falling asleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


    Special K

  • Miss_MG

    I remember nudging my husband every few minutes and telling him he is being a bad example for the childern.

  • Swan

    To this day it still amazes me that you people all thought that about the assemblies! For years I thought I was the only one who felt that way and there was something wrong with me for not appreciating the persecution provisions at those mind numbing wonderful events.

    How many of you only put money in the box because you thought you had to? How many of you still cringe when you see green fruit at the grocery store? How many times did you think to yourself, "When is that self important blowhard going to quit talking and get on with concluding song and prayer?" How many of you can actually bring back to mind exactly how it felt sitting in those cramped stadium seats? My feet actually ache at the thought of those afwul cement steps.

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