If one donates Blood he will get Disfellowshipped. But how can that make sense??? If its OK to use even just one blood product how can it be wrong to donate it?? That means they are saying its OK to use the blood donated by sinners. What if everyone was a JW, then even JW's couldn't get these blood products that the WTS say its OK to use. And they expect people to die for their false Theology, and they say that Christendom is blood guilty !
July 15 Watchtower article on Blood
by XBEHERE 23 Replies latest jw friends
They dont Disfellowship you. Taken blood is not a sin. They disassociate you. Meaning by you actions you show them you do not want to be a JW anymore. Same as if you go to church or join the military. Technically DAing is better than DFing but few people see it that way. For example they don't really tell you to shun specifically DAed people officialy. They sorta always illude to it.
you get around that by taking the booze out of the container first.
So what's wrong with that? Sounds like a pretty good work around to me (he he)
We all know how the WT likes to condition JWs to defend their beliefs about blood transfusions (or anything else for that matter) by saying 'it's a personal decision', when it's really not...
Why then, write this article which, in no uncertain terms, tells dubs that blood and its 4 primary components are hands down UNACCEPTABLE? It seems likely that in a court case, when a dub tries to pass off their no blood decision as a 'personal choice', this article flies in the face of such a claim.
Why would the WT give ammo to its enemies? Is it that stupid? Maybe the need for some comprehensive revisitation of doctrine outweighed legal needs for a moment?
Undaunted Danny
Remember,always do that, 'regression analysis'.Just where the heck did it all come from ?
Joe Rutherford,got a 'burr' on his butt,back in the 1940's about blood.They knew it was bogus back then.It's an overextension of the old testament kosher law,which DOESN'T apply to new testament Christians..
They thought that the end of the world was a coming back then,(1940ish).Sooooooooo, there wouldn't be much of a body count causality.
Now with Blood on their hands,and the murder of thousands of innocent minor children,how can they account for the body count, if they repeal it outright now?
More importantly,the WT$ would be sued,for mega-bucks,for all the wrongful death lawsuits.
Undaunted Danny
How risky is a Blood transfusion? A comparison of transfusion risks to the risks of dying from other common causes: Serious disease or death from transfusion: 1 chance in 200,000 / year Death from electrocution: 1 chance in 200,000 / year Death from drowning: 1 chance in 35,000 / year Death from a car accident: 1 chance in 7,000 / year Death from pneumonia or influenza: 1 chance in 3,000 / year Death from cancer: 1 chance in 500 / year Death from stroke or heart disease: 1 chance in 300 / year Source: Canadian Hemophilia Society
Check out these links: http://www.ajwrb.org/ http://www.towertotruth.net/Articles/blood_transfusions.htm http://tlc.discovery.com/fansites/trauma/case/case_07.html [Discovery Channel Video drama patients died ] http://www.pennhealth.com/health_info/bloodless/blood_jchart.html
The sandwich idea is such a great analogy but it is only words. So, next time the chance arises, dismantle your sandwich in front of your witness friend / family member, and start eating the sandwich "fractions" one at a time. Yeah, it'll look crazy but you can explain that your doctor / priest / shaman told you that you must not eat it whole else you will certainly die. Maybe, just maybe, the point will have some impact.
Oreos - officially sanctioned JW snack food?
I have heard this before and I like to think of the blood situation this way:
Life is very precious. Life is so precious that God demanded that blood be pured out as a symbol of life in order to show respect for life. Since God has such a high regard for life, then why would he want someone to lose their life, to die, before they "misuse" that which is merely a symbol of of that precious life?
The regular garden variety dub ( Of which I was a part of) does not really understand this whole change of blood.
I was talking to one sister who boasts of a rich 'spiritual heritage' (members of her family are at bethel, in the missionary work, DO, CO ect, ect). She thought that fractions were blood alternatives and not parts of blood.
I talked to an elder regarding the July 15 article and his response was that it didn't matter what the changes are. The light gets brighter and brighter and we are to accept the governing body's lead because THEY HAVE A CONNECTION WITH GOD.
Unless one realizes that the governing body is not god's mouthpiece Jw's will continue to do what they are told whether its right or wrong.
I discussed this article with my mom (very loyal dub) and finally revealed to her that I do not carry a blood card and that in case of emergency I will do what I see fit and not what the society says. After all today's new light will eventually become old light.
I called the Hospital Liaison Committee (HLC) in my area to find out what was acceptable scripturally. I was told they could not give me medical advice. I repeated my question and said I asking if hemoglobin-based products were acceptable "scripturally." Silence. "I guess so, but it a conscience matter." "Do you have anything in writing?" Silence. "Just read what the publications say." "I did and I asked the elders in my congregation; they said to call you." Silence. I called the surgeon who heads up the surgical department of the largest hospital within 300 miles. He said the HLC had met with him and his staff and explained that these products were acceptable to JWs.
What I found out is that even the HLC are ill-informed as to how these products are developed and used.