I dont know much about Physical abuse in the Jehovahs Witnesses,but there is sure alot of verbal abuse.I was verbally abused for many years in the congregation by a high up Elder,who didnt know anything about his own religion,and a Ministerial Servant I will call Jerkwad Abusive.(Almost sounds like a Jedi doesn't it?)This punk was a first class liar,jerk,and cared very little about the Organization.Here's how his cycle of abuse would work:He would do a mean thing,you would become offended,then he would say if you didnt work it out with him,he would go to the elders.You would then forgive him,and then next week,he would do it again.Nice,Huh?When I first joined the Organization,they told me to never tell anybody in the world about any incidences like that,or I would bring reproach on Jehovahs name.I wanted to tell somebody,especially the cops,but never did.Has anybody else had any experiences like this?God bless.
Verbal Abuse in Jehovahs Witnesses
by truthbeliever 19 Replies latest jw experiences
William Penwell
When I think back to my teens the Jdub that studied with me was very abusive. I recall how when I would go over to his house how he would rant and rave about how short the time was. He would put me on the spot and get in my face by glaring at me, point his finger and say in a very aggressive tone "When are you going to get baptised?". He would keep this up for about 15 minutes and take no for an answer. A very unpleasant experience. I am the type of person that doesn't like to be intimidated and this type of tactic would push me away not bring me into the religion. That was 30 years ago and this so called brother was only in the borg for about 10 years himself. I think that is one reason why I have no use for religion. Now a days that would be verbal abuse.
I verbally abused several elders, especially the ones on my judicial committee!!
franklin J
after my family and I exited that religion; one of my sisters divorced her former "elder husband" ( their marriage had been going bad for several years) He was a pious elder that could never, to this day, hold down a job. He was a well respected elder; who was being supported by my father.
My sister met a non JW, fell in love and remarried. Her life moved on.
Her ex husband got the local PO to call her and accuse her of adultry since she did not have any scriptural grounds for divorce. They wanted her to appear at a JC meeting. She never did attend.... Her new husband found out where the PO worked; called him during work hours and threatened him with broken arms and legs if he did not leave her alone. The elder tried valiantly to explain how they were doing what Jehovah required blah blah blah.
Husband number 2 said in no uncertain terms that the PO was going to leave my sister alone or else he was going to go to his house and do him phyical harm, rattling off the address.
to the topic, I suppose this counts as "reverse abuse". In this case it worked for us.
Well, my sister never heard from elder Ron C***** again. He is still the PO of the congregation we attended 22 years ago.
Husband number 2 said in no uncertain terms that the PO was going to leave my sister alone or else he was going to go to his house and do him phyical harm, rattling off the address.
Good for him! If more people were like that there would be far less abuse in the org. Elders often seem to forget that they would regularly get their asses kicked if they pulled some of their stunts on non-jws. They prey on the sheeplike? qualities of their members.
Undaunted Danny
Why J-Ho's have such a potty mouth:"arrogance of ruthless egotism" There were two elder notables from my last stand; Rockland Massachusetts kingdum hell.One was 'cesspool mouth' and the other perp.'punkhole'
Edited:"punkhole" came on my property and slashed my tires on two seperate occasions,when i used the matthew 18:15 grievance protocol to resolve why he did this wicked deed he lied in typical JW fashion and then filed a complaint and said i slandered him.Then the elders then hauled me into the library and said :"i should have been "popped" for accusing their punk underling. Only in the dog-eat-dog cult of Jehovah's Witnesses....
Yes, it exists. There were many verbally/emotionally abusive ones I knew over the years. Sister Self righteous who always had some cutting remark about others and would be downright rude to your face if she didn't like the way you dressed or conducted your personal affairs, etc. There was brother Jokerman who always joked about everything--even when my mother-in-law passed away he had a joke about it (he was an elder too). There were brother and sister Insensitives who were always reminding me that my unbelieving family was going to die die die....Of course we wer programmed into believing that they were all well meaning and we were supposed to keep showing love and kindness and forgiveness towards them no matter how rude and nasty and ugly they were. And these stories went on and on.. How do you spell abuse???
I wanted to tell somebody,especially the cops,but never did
What degree or form did this abuse take? Sounds pretty extreme
Doubtfully Yours
I've never seen it done, but a few ministerial servants say the elders speak quite abusively to them; in turn, the circuit overseers speak quite abusively to the elders and the district overseers quite abusively to the circuit overseers.
Just like in any big company, the ends justifies the means, must be their mentality.
William Penwell
Her new husband found out where the PO worked; called him during work hours and threatened him with broken arms and legs if he did not leave her alone. The elder tried valiantly to explain how they were doing what Jehovah required blah blah blah.
Just shows the arrogance with some of these PO's. As if her new husband could give a dam about what a "Jehovah" requires.