I must admit minimus convinced me to look at the "apostate" internet sites, I knew computers he did not. I was sure demons would come out of my monitor and get me. I guess they did however I only like the female ones.
by Confucious 53 Replies latest jw friends
I must admit minimus convinced me to look at the "apostate" internet sites, I knew computers he did not. I was sure demons would come out of my monitor and get me. I guess they did however I only like the female ones.
In my area GRACE GOUGH!!
Jourles is my hero. They found Jourles.
Most wanted "apsotate" (in WTS viewpoint): Jesus Christ
And how about people behind Watchtower Observer (Remember WTs lost at the court?), and.. hawk ?
Most wanted "apsotate" (in WTS viewpoint): Jesus Christ
Ya beat me to it, cause that's exactly what I was going to say. If Jesus were around today, he'd view the Governing Body the exact same way as he did the Pharisees. Just replace the term "Pharisee" with "Governing Body" and read the scriptures......it's amazing how similar they are.
Mat 23:23-24, "How terrible it will be for you [Governing Body members]. Hypocrites! For you are careful to tithe even the tiniest part of your [field service report] but you ignore the weightier matters of the law?justice, mercy, and faith
?Then Jesus spoke to the multitudes and to His disciples, saying ?The [Governing Body members] have seated themselves in the chair of God; .......do not do according to their deeds; for they say things, and do not do them. And they tie up heavy loads, and lay them on [all Witnesses'] shoulders; but they themselves are unwilling to move them with so much as a finger. But they do all their deeds to be noticed by men; for they broaden their [publishing company], and lengthen the [numbers of rules they impose]. And they love the place of honor at banquets, and the chief seats [at the assemblies], and respectful greetings [anywhere], and being called by men, [Christ's brother's, the Faithful & Discreet Slave Class, the Annointed].
One scholar said: ".....The scribes and Pharisees usurped the authority to subject men under them as disciples. In so doing they commanded men to follow the clever system they had created by codifying the Law of Moses into 365 prohibitions and 250 commandments. The effect was to place upon unsuspecting Israelites a burden which no one could bear, and which they did nothing to lighten (verse 4). While they ingeniously devised ways to circumvent their own regulations, the masses were buried under them. It is no wonder that our Lord said to His hearers: ?My yoke is easy, and it load is light? (Matthew 11:30).
Today's version could read ".....The [Governing Body members] usurped the authority to subject [all Witnesses] under them as disciples. In so doing they commanded men [and women and children] to follow the clever system they had created by codifying the [teachings of Jesus] into [who know how many] prohibitions and [who knows how many] commandments. The effect was to place upon unsuspecting [Witnesses] a burden which no one could bear, and which they did nothing to lighten. While they ingeniously devised ways to circumvent their own regulations, the masses were buried under them. It is no wonder that our Lord said to His hearers: ?My yoke is easy, and it load is light? (Matthew 11:30).
The definition of ?Pharisaic? in Webster?s Unabridged Dictionary: ?pretending to be highly moral or virtuous without being so; hypocritical.?
Thank you HochiMin. I do appreciate that. I guess I can take credit for your being such a bad "apostate".
"Focus" doesn't seem to post here anymore, but his threads were often full of extremely useful information. A phenomenal poster,
Elsewhere, last year my mother-in-law attended a convention, where she bumped into an old friend, who is a prominent bethelite. He asked her how my her daughter was doing (my wife) and then proceeded to tell her that the Society monitors the internet and that I was a "formidable Apostate" so I guess I'm up there somewhere! Here was the post I made concerning it a while back RR
Ahhh Ha! So that is where I heard that!
I say we should use the JW term: F ormidable Apostate
It just has that JW "tone" to it.
The Talking Neck said:
Jourles is my hero. They found Jourles.
Who was Jourles?
Awesome post Mary!!! That was pure art!!
Farkel - I am an aspiring Formidable Apostate. Please share with me some of your more succesful tactics for freeing JW's from the WTBTS. I don't really try because it seems so pointless. I'd love to get my mom out! Hey! you could start a business where people pay you to get their loved ones out!!! Hell, I'd pay good money to see it happen!