i talked to my mom on the phone the other day she is a jw, she knows full well what i think of the jw garbage, and i have tried to make her see it, but it's not use, so i don't go on about it much, aside from the occasional comment to see what the reaction will, in good humour of course... anyway, the other day i was struggling to think of topics we could talk about (typical son/mother relationship) so in my usual amused way i asked what she thought about the NEW view the society had on blood parts... i was expecting something but i didn't know what...
anyway, my mom calmly as if nothing was amiss, told me that it hasn't changed really, and that 'it doesn't matter anyway, because blood was always a conscience matter' now i love my mom, but this blew me away, i know of, and she knows people who have died because of blood, and she would still probably do it, but more to the point, haven't people been df'd for having blood transfusions? good grief, if blood is a conscience matter and always was, why the hell so many people die and whose conscience lets their kid die?