Just got Crisis of Conscience

by bull01lay 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • confusedjw

    I wish that Ray had gone into more detail about his "private converstations" with people. Ed and his Spanish friends.

    I would like to have known more in detail how these private conversations were affected after Carl Jonsson's treatise came to Bethal and then the personal thoughts of mind control that Ray had.

    How did the converstations go etc. "Hey Ed, I've known you a long time. Guess what we're in a cult - let's go tell the Spanish folks?"

  • Special K
    Special K

    I've never read that book.

    I must drop shotgun a line and see if he has it, so I could borrow it.


    Special K

  • sinamongurl


    im kinda lost, if Im understanding this correctly, this book, "crisis of conscience" was written by a previous gb member?

    if so, was he ever the president? df'd? how long ago?


  • badboy

    He wasn't the president,but he was the nephew of Fred Franz,he got dfd about 1980.

  • Bubbamar

    I was DF'ed for 18 years - just read the book last month. It totally blew me away. When I left I never really gave the JW's a second thought...just glad to be out. But really also felt like I wouldn't REALLY know the "truth" about the Truth(tm) unless (A)Armageddon came or (B)I died...(oh yea...same as (A)--haha). Little did I know all I really had to do was type "jehovah witness" into the computer and read a book.

    It was very disturbing to me to know for certain about the WTBTS and to know that so many people - including my mom - still fall for their BS 100% without question.

    I highly recommend it. But I also think it could be very disturbing to people more involved or more affected by the JW's than I am. It's quite a betrayal. I can remember when I was in and heard about all the hoopla that happened at Bethel with Ray Franz. Admittedly, I accepted what was handed down about his apostacy - I was very young though. I don't know how older people have resisted reading his book.

    I have also been wondering what I should read next...INSOCF or Steve Hassan's book. So looking forward to more suggestions also.

  • Evesapple

    I just got it, but have been able to fully dive into it. I keep walking around with it, and have read through the intro, and part of the 1st chapter.

  • TD

    Schnell's Thirty Years, gives a very unique glimpse into the Witness organization that you can't get anywhere else. Unlike Franz though, Schnell provides no documentation and is vitriolic in many places. This makes it much easier for practicing Witnesses to write off Thirty Years as garbage.

  • tmo

    I have read both Crisis of Conscience and In Search of Christian Freedom and they are excellent. I could not put them down. I began reading so called "religious" books after 20 years in the WTS. I did not start with these so called apostate books or apostate websites. I read many books by noted religious writers and learned many ideas that contradicted WTS beliefs and interpretations. Books on why God has permitted wickedness, is the bible inspired, etc. I think this prepared my mind when I finally broke down and got these two books. I was in the right mental state to honestly evaluate what was said. These two books are amazingly truthful in content and if a JW reads them with the right frame of mind they can accomplish alot of good. It takes time for some to come to grips with the arguments presented, but I think they are required reading for all JW's or family members of JW's.

  • M.J.

    I have the book but have never read it. I'm not a JW but my wife is. She found the book and was very critical of me that I was buying such material. She said she read a few passages and that supposedly what she read was really terrible. I'm not sure what she specifically meant by that but I kind of dropped the subject. I'm wondering if I should try and persuade her to read the book. Practically, its kind of hard to imagine her taking the time to read it, since she doesn't even seem to have enough time to read her WT materials. Yet, I think I may be able to make a good argument for her to begin reading it. I don't know if it would be worth it, since she already has a negative attitude about it, or how she would react. Any thoughts?

  • codeblue

    It is a "must read"............You read the "real history of the WTBS"........quite different from the Proclaimers book....after the the first couple of chapters...I must say that the JW's are just an offshoot of another religion.......so how could they rightfully claim they are "god's channel"? Of course their "actions" speak for themselves that they are NOT.

    Yes, agreed, Ray wrote this in an informative manner, not in any angry tone. I never got to go to Bethel...but now I know what really goes on. I am glad that he wasn't afraid to publish such useful information!

    I recommend reading his 2nd book too!


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