bye peeks
peeps lol
† bye jt
richwh1: † ciao
richwh1: † adios
ziggy_soldier_2_the_rasta_2oo3: amigorichwh1: † si
ziggy_soldier_2_the_rasta_2oo3: j 2 the hova classy namenannae70: hi
richwh1: † hi
richwh1: †
nannae70: are you
nannae70: are you JW
cygzzworld: hi
cygzzworld: any f/JW/80+ want to chat frozen_snowball2: ÿ hello annaerichwh1: † 80+?
frozen_snowball2: ÿ nannaerichwh1: † old broad
makispat: we hae 90+
inertiamag: any watchtower witness's in the room?cygzzworld: yes I'm looking for a woman with her life in order, wisdom, and lots and lots of experience ziggy_soldier_2_the_rasta_2oo3: richwh1: † we have ziggy and cyggy
cygzzworld: krissy on ignore for not being a JW and forsaking the truth for the world richwh1: † cygarette man
cygzzworld: krissy on ignore for talking with marbles in her mouth radio6669: so would i be ignored because im not a jw?
cygzzworld: iamradio are you a JW? radio6669: no
cygzzworld: iamradio on ignore for not being a JW and destined to die at armageddon cygzzworld: tallgirl tallgirl_1941: cyg toffee_lacreme: J wb Tall richwh1: † you can convert
richwh1: † today
tallgirl_1941: ty toffee nannae70: hi tall wb
tallgirl_1941: we won cygzzworld: white, I am already familiar with your haughty and independent attitude against Jehovah God tallgirl_1941: hi nannae j_to_the_hovah: if you were a JW cygzzworld you would know there is no armageddon
nannae70: your to near the mic
cygzzworld: j_hovah how can you say that, the Bible clearly teaches that those who call on the name of Jehovah will be saved at his day of judgment, which is Armageddon cygzzworld: read your Bible you stupid jerk j_to_the_hovah: its referred to the last days not armageddon
richwh1: † that is repeated in Acts
tallgirl_1941: same old thing..... i going to watch the show tallgirl_1941: tallgirl_1941: richwh1: † so it must be correct
cygzzworld: Christendom are the false prophets for not teaching the truth about Jehovah, his Son, and the theme of the Bible which is God's KINGDOM richwh1: † who is being referred to in Acts 2?
cygzzworld: j_hovah, we have been in the last days since 1914, Armageddon is yet future j_to_the_hovah: armageddon simply means mountain of megiddo or mountain of assembly of troops
krissy_112388: i am christian but i am not jehivah witness kapar_nasa: ÿ the themo of the bible is the coming of the Messiah and the Slvation of the Crosskrissy_112388: because some of their beliefs r wrong richwh1: † yep we have been in last days
cygzzworld: but Armageddon has a spiritual meaning, as it is GOD'S WAR and not man's kapar_nasa: ÿ salvation of the crossrichwh1: † for almost 2000 yrs
krissy_112388: like how they believe only 144, 000 ppl r going to heaven cygzzworld: man may fire his weapons into the sky in defense but they will do no damage to Jehovah God's army of angels nannae70: true cyg
krissy_112388: that isnt true j_to_the_hovah: take out of context most of the time translated from the greek word harmagedon
cygzzworld: no, the last days began in 1914, as proven by the composite sign Jesus gave his disciples in the gospels krissy_112388: i am seventh day adventists cygzzworld: white, it does not contradict, it is no different than Nebuchadnezzar saying that HE built Babylon himself, obviously he didn't do the work, but he was in charge, similarly Jesus did the work of providing the means for salvation, but Jehovah is the one who originated it richwh1: † the last days began in 1925 and shown in the 1926 Watchtower
kapar_nasa: ÿ Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life.cygzzworld: people are saved by exercising faith in the name of Jesus, his ransom, by means of the purposes of Jehovah God toffee_lacreme: J cygz will always amaze me nannae70: krissy what do you beleave
cygzzworld: it is not that complicated, but you trinity believers want to smudge and corrupt the Bible into a haphazard meaningless bunch of gobbledegook kapar_nasa: ÿ exercising is not in the original translation but the Watchtower added that word to make Jw work for their salvationcygzzworld: kapar the greek passage in John refers to an active doing something j_to_the_hovah: REV.16:14,16 they are in fact expressions inspired b y demons and perform signs and they go forth to the kings of the entire inhabited earth to gather them together to the war of the great day of god the almighty. and tehy gaterhered them together to the place that is called in hebrew har-magedon
richwh1: † beliveing is the word
cygzzworld: the construction demands an accurate rendition of PURPOSEFUL ACTION richwh1: † believing
cygzzworld: the Bible says that even the demons believe, and shudder cygzzworld: so belief is not all there is to it j_to_the_hovah: its where they meet not the end of the world
richwh1: † the construction does not demand anything, cyg
cygzzworld: richie, you are nothing but a ridiculer richwh1: † accurate knowledge is not in the greek either
cygzzworld: yes it is richwh1: † I am a scholar
kapar_nasa: ÿ they take away what Jesus has given us Salvation Now. No Condenation Now is in the original Translation check your Interliner but the Watchtower has left out the word NOW now why would they do that? mmmmmm?richwh1: † smarta$$
richwh1: †
wturls: Y cygzzworld: the phrase denotes more than just KNOWING but coming to a complete understanding which requires work richwh1: † the word means to have an intimate , personal relationship with someone
cygzzworld: kapar, interlinears are only word for word, they are not translations cygzzworld: richie, yes exactly, and how is that done but by coming to an accurate knowledge of that person richwh1: † if works are required, then it is not by grace.
richwh1: † so Paul was wrong
kapar_nasa: ÿ No man may boost over their work must i quote that scripture? Are u boosting in your own salvtion but works because that goes against scripture. cygzzworld: grace is better called UNDESERVED KINDNESS and it is offered to us but we must ACT UPON it richwh1: † I have a triglott
cygzzworld: all this is clearly spelled out in the Bible richwh1: † 3 language bible
richwh1: † I also possess the ED
richwh1: † very informative
cygzzworld: kapar, we do not boast in the way Paul said not to, but he did say that certain boasting was beneficial, when repudiating opposers, for example. That is why he felt compelled to list all his achievements j_to_the_hovah: a man is not to be called righteous by faith alone it must be accompanied by works
cygzzworld: amen j richwh1: † Paul was referringto himself, cyg
richwh1: † in that boasting
kapar_nasa: ÿ yes what is said is understood by the Orthodox Christian churches for centuries and have been known since the time of the apostlescygzzworld: yes j_to_the_hovah: none of us are suppose to boast
cygzzworld: and Paul also said to imitate him j_to_the_hovah: we are to worship and glorify jehovah
nannae70: faith without works is dead
richwh1: † he said to imitate Christ
richwh1: † he said to imitate him as he imitates Christ
richwh1: † that is the entire quote
richwh1: †
cygzzworld: thats correct cygzzworld: and Jesus did boast cygzzworld: but to the glory of Jehovah God richwh1: † what did Jesus boast of?
cygzzworld: and to repudiate opposers cygzzworld: and that is what we do kapar_nasa: ÿ lolwturls: Y The Christian denomination Jehovah's Witnesses has its headquarters in New York and claims 6 million members around the world. The group's fundamental guiding belief is that the Bible contains the literal word of God. cygzzworld: we are PROUD of our heritage and spiritual paradise cygzzworld: you cannot take that away from us richwh1: † what did Jesus boast of?
wturls: Y Its followers are widely known for their active recruiting of new members and their opposition to laws that run counter to their beliefs. j_to_the_hovah: jesus boasted of the kindom of god
cygzzworld: now if you'll excuse me I have to go pay my oxycontin delivery man wturls: Y These are characteristics that have bought them trouble in many places. Among the latest of these are Russia and Greece. richwh1: † he did not boast of the kingdom
richwh1: † he preached it
richwh1: † there is a difference
wturls: Y Prague, 23 June 2004 (RFE/RL) -- It's official. Moscow officialdom has banned any further organized activity in the city by the Christian group Jehovah's Witnesses. wturls: Y Last week's final ruling on a four-year-old case by the Moscow City Court is important to the group's 10,000 followers in Moscow, as well as those elsewhere. wturls: Y That is because they consider active proselytizing -- that is, "witnessing," or speaking out on behalf of Jehovah, an old Hebrew word for God -- as a necessary part of their worship. wturls: Y It is significant, too, because this is the first successful application under Russia's 1997 religion law to outlaw a religious organization. wturls: Y The court ruling was also the last step required to take the case to the European Court of Human Rights. wturls: Y Geraldine Fagan, of the religious rights organization Forum 18, has been following the Moscow case from its inception. wturls: Y In a telephone interview from Moscow, she said that Jehovah's Witnesses arouse opposition in Russia not for what they profess to believe, but for how energetically they profess it. j_to_the_hovah: why does everyone always have to get into debates
wturls: Y "A key element here is not so much the doctrine of the organization, as [it is] how active they are," she said. wturls: Y "The Jehovah's Witnesses are very active in terms of proselytizing, in terms of going around to people's flats, handing out literature, having large conferences, and so on." j_to_the_hovah: we are suppose to love each other as christ and jehovah love us not be against each other
wturls: Y HOVAH, SHUSH, PEOPLE R READINGj_to_the_hovah: no
wturls: Y Followers of the faith understand that their diligence -- some would say aggressiveness -- in declaring their views can be an irritant. frozen_snowball2: ÿ well hovah i believe in defending the Gospel of Jesus which is really about our Salvation enough said.j_to_the_hovah: we are not suppose to argue
wturls: Y . But as Jim Andrik, a Jehovah's Witness and human rights lawyer at the denomination's headquarters in New York, explained, their activity is inseparable from their doctrine: j_to_the_hovah: we are suppose to point people in the right direction
wturls: Y WE R SUPPOSED TO BE READING BREAKING NEWSwturls: Y NOW SHUSH ITwturls: Y "Part of our worship -- we feel clearly from the scriptures [that] Jesus said in the Book of Matthew that the good news of the kingdom would be preached throughout the Earth. And it's a commission that we feel we need to follow as part of our worship of our God, Jehovah. And so when oftentimes we're talking to people, and it's just by the nature of our work that they see us around quite often, and so some don't like to see us talking about our beliefs." frozen_snowball2: ÿ lolj_to_the_hovah: give them the site so they can read it theirselvs
wturls: Y One oddity of the treatment of nontraditional religions in Moscow is that the Jehovah's Witnesses case outwardly rests on Russia's religion law of 1997. wturls: Y THEY RELY ON ME TO PASTE ITwturls: Y ITS WHAT I GET PAID TO DOwturls: Y NOW SIT DOWNj_to_the_hovah: i am sitting
wturls: Y . Yet under that law, the group has been able to register and operate unhindered elsewhere in Russia. Andrik said he thinks that the Russian Orthodox Church orchestrated the Jehovah's Witnesses' problems in Moscow. wturls: Y "It could be [because] this is where the seat of the patriarch is. And it was clear throughout the trial that the Russian Orthodox Church was instrumental [in the case against Jehovah's Witnesses]. Even the charges that were brought were brought by a group that is associated with the Russian Orthodox Church," Andrik said. wturls: Y Canadian lawyer John Burns represented the denomination in the appeal just lost in Moscow City Court. wturls: Y He said that the matter now is ripe to go before the European Court of Human Rights. The official European human rights body, the Council of Europe, established the European Court of Human Rights in 1953 to interpret and reinforce the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. j_to_the_hovah: of course people hate us so they are trying to overthrow us
wturls: Y THEY DONT LIKE UR POLICIES THAT KILL ITS MEMBERS, DESTROY FAMILES AND FOSTER HATREDj_to_the_hovah: critical times are at had testing our faith in jehovah and christ as was said in the scriptures
wturls: Y NOW SHUSHwturls: Y The court is empowered to hear and decide cases, to levy fines, and to refer violations to the Council of Europe. It has no independent enforcement powers except moral suasion. Russia is a member of the council and a signatory to the court treaty. j_to_the_hovah: my policies?
toffee_lacreme: J hmmm....the Scribes and Pharasees became fearful of the preaching work by Jesus and his desciples as well, and tried to have them stopped. Amazing, and fitting....wturls: Y Burns said that the Jehovah's Witnesses took their case to the European court several years ago, complaining that the proceedings in Moscow were too slow, and that the very effort to ban the denomination was interfering with its followers' right to practice their faith. The European court declined to act, however, until the final Russian court action. toffee_lacreme: J I've got things to do...take care all wturls: Y "So now that we are banned, of course, we can complain,” Burns said. “So what we're doing is we're updating the European court as to the decision last week." wturls: Y Burns said that both parties to the case, the Jehovah's Witnesses and Russian officials, have petitioned the court to hear oral arguments promptly. The church group says it already has waited too long. wturls: Y HAHAHA, WHATS IT FEEL LIKE TO WAIT.......ON JEHOVAHwturls: Y I CANT BELIEVE HE SAID THATnannae70: thanks wturls for the news
wturls: Y THEY WAITED TOO LONGrichwh1: † me neither!
alexander_keiths1: holly fuck
wturls: Y "The Russian government has asked for an oral hearing on this case because they say it's one of great public concern," he said. wturls: Y "That was in a letter that their representative gave to the European court during the month of March. And we've also asked for an oral hearing. And that's on the issue of admissibility -- is this a case [that] the European court should hear? -- and then as to the merits [of the case]." wturls: Y Jehovah's Witnesses won a victory over Greece in the European Court of Human Rights less than a month ago. Greek law provides for compulsory military service but allows ministers of what the law calls "recognized religions" to decline. Priests of the Greek Orthodox Church routinely apply for and receive this exemption. wturls: Y From the early 1990s, however, the Greek military has insisted on arresting and jailing declared Jehovah's Witnesses ministers on the grounds that their faith is not a recognized religion. The military persisted despite repeated court rulings in favor of the applicants. wturls: Y HMMM, ABOUT THE TIME WT GOT IN BED WITH UNITED NATIONSwturls: Y richwh1: † yeah
frozen_snowball2: ÿ yepwturls: Y The European court ruled late in May on an appeal from several applicants that their right to religious equity before the law had been violated. The court ordered Greece to pay the equivalent of $72,000 in compensation to the applicants. richwh1: †
wturls: Y 72 THOUSAND BACK TO WT?wturls: Y wturls: Y Greece, like Russia, is a member of the Council of Europe.
author biography richwh1: † pocket change for them
wturls: Y Jehovah's Witnesses convention <CLICK Joplin Independent, MO - Jun 21, 2004 Regarding; Jehovah's Witnesses a destructive abusive cult. "Knowledge is power"wturls: Y The church group says it already has waited too long richwh1: † hahahahaha
richwh1: † church group? OY
richwh1: † the BORG
fossil_fairy: N richwh1: † hello fairy
richwh1: †
fossil_fairy: N hello tichfossil_fairy: N richrichwh1: † tich? lol
wturls: Y fossy, no pm back yetrichwh1: † oh
fossil_fairy: N sorrywturls: Y still waitingkapar_nasa: ÿ hello Foss! fossil_fairy: N ok wturls tyfossil_fairy: N hello kaperkapar_nasa: ÿ how are ya?fossil_fairy: N okies tykapar_nasa: ÿ goodfossil_fairy: N reading dian wilsons book at the momentkapar_nasa: ÿ what aboutfossil_fairy: N its nery goodfossil_fairy: N her life with jwsfossil_fairy: N wturls will know itfossil_fairy: N I am surekapar_nasa: ÿ oh that would be good Whats the name again of the book?fossil_fairy: N jehovahs wittnesessfossil_fairy: N her first onekapar_nasa: ÿ okfossil_fairy: N I can relatew to itfossil_fairy: N relate fossil_fairy: N quiet is it in here tonight?kapar_nasa: ÿ yeah we was reading too fossil_fairy: N ok what ya reading?kapar_nasa: ÿ Wturls post fossil_fairy: N aw and I missing itrichwh1: † i copied and pasted it
fossil_fairy: N she have to start again lolrichwh1: † great stuff
kapar_nasa: ÿ yeah interesting for surefossil_fairy: N copy the best bits for mewturls: Y The church group says it already has waited too long.
Hahahahaha, now THAT'S surely calling the kettle black!!!
Guess Jehoober is gonna keep 'em waiting even longer.
What's it feel like to wait??
I can't even believe they said this.
Isn't it ironic? Doncha think? A little too ironic, I really do think!!!!!
HAhahahaha.........The church group says it already has waited too long.
fossil_fairy: N pleasewturls: Y HOLD ON FOSSfossil_fairy: N ok fossil_fairy: N lolwturls: Y http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/73966/1.ashx wturls: Y read thisfrozen_snowball2: ÿ wturls: Y i'm waiting for englishman to post the actual url to news articlerichwh1: (lines 1 to 1)
"The Jehovah's Witnesses are very active in terms of proselytizing, in terms of going around to people's flats, handing out literature, having large conferences, and so on."
wturls: Y Russia: Jehovah's Witnesses Come Under Pressure From Officials By Don Hill wturls: Y oh good, thx richwturls: Y richwh1: (lines 1 to 2)
Canadian lawyer John Burns represented the denomination in the appeal just lost in Moscow City Court.
He said that the matter now is ripe to go before the European Court of Human Rights. The official European human rights body, the Council of Europe, established the European Court of Human Rights in 1953 to interpret and reinforce the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
wturls: Y The church group says it already has waited too long fossil_fairy: N ok I read the whole of it tomorrowrichwh1: (lines 1 to 2)
Burns said that the Jehovah's Witnesses took their case to the European court several years ago, complaining that the proceedings in Moscow were too slow, and that the very effort to ban the denomination was interfering with its followers' right to practice their faith. The European court declined to act, however, until the final Russian court action.
"So now that we are banned, of course, we can complain,? Burns said. ?So what we're doing is we're updating the European court as to the decision last week."
wturls: Y rich is putting it up toowturls: Y but this caught my funny bone:wturls: Y The church group says it already has waited too long. richwh1: (lines 1 to 1)
Burns said that both parties to the case, the Jehovah's Witnesses and Russian officials, have petitioned the court to hear oral arguments promptly. The church group says it already has waited too long.
fossil_fairy: N to be banned?fossil_fairy: N lollacyof2004: Happy Birthday!
wturls: Y WAITING ON JEHOVAH SUCKS DOESNT IT!!!!!wturls: Y fossil_fairy: N yes I been waiting since 1975fossil_fairy: N wturls: Y EXACTLYrichwh1: † hahaha
wturls: Y MANY OTRHERS, MILLIONS ARE DEAD NOW.....WHILE WAITINGrichwh1: † for the end of the world
richwh1: † and Armageddon
wturls: Y HOW DARE THEY EVEN SAY THISrichwh1: † many others are dead alright
wturls: Y ITS SO IRONIC THEY WOULD UTTER THATfossil_fairy: N because of their flawed ruleslacyof2004: Happy New Years! Lets all celebrate!
kapar_nasa: ÿ yeprichwh1: † their flawed leadership
fossil_fairy: N imperfect men fossil_fairy: N lolrichwh1: † yep and they think they ARE perfect
richwh1: † that is the irony
wturls: Y THE POINT FOSS IS THAT THEY PREACH....WAIT ON JEHOVAH....YET HERE THEY STATE: [The church group says it already has waited too long ]wturls: Y wturls: Y richwh1: † oxymoron
fossil_fairy: N richwh1: † contardiction
wturls: Y NOW SHE GETS IT!!!!wturls: Y richwh1: † contradiction too
fossil_fairy: N what another comtradiction?richwh1: † LOL
richwh1: † yep
kapar_nasa: ÿ richwh1: † plenty
richwh1: † I have them documented
wturls: Y NICE CLOWN KAPPYfossil_fairy: N happy kappy clownywturls: Y fossil_fairy: N wturls: Y LOLOLOLOLrichwh1: † kaprikorn
kapar_nasa: ÿ thanks i guess i should have 7 or whatever the number is of the governing body is now lolwturls: Y I GOTTA PRINT THIS UP TOOrichwh1: †
wturls: Y I DONT THINK THE GUY EVEN REALIZED WHAT HE SAIDfossil_fairy: N wturls: Y AND HOW PROFOUND IT ISwturls: Y I MEAN, GOOD LORDwturls: Y SO MANY ARE WAITINGrichwh1: (lines 1 to 1)
Prague, 23 June 2004 (RFE/RL) -- It's official. Moscow officialdom has banned any further organized activity in the city by the Christian group Jehovah's Witnesses.
wturls: Y BUT THEY ARE TIRED OF WAITINGrichwh1: † it's about time
fossil_fairy: N richwh1: † that will be their mantra
richwh1: † 'we are being persecuted'
wturls: Y THEY EXPECT THE FLOCK TO WAIT....DIE WHILE WAITING EVEN, YET HERE THEY PROCLAIM THIS CRAP: [The church group says it already has waited too long]richwh1: † many waited and waited and waited and left
fossil_fairy: N fossil_fairy: N good ideawturls: Y TOO BAD HE CANT TAKE IT BACK...ITS OUT THERE NOWrichwh1: † and i have a copy
wturls: Y ME TOOwturls: Y I SHOULD PUT IT ON MY QUOTE ON PROFILEwturls: Y richwh1: † YEAH!
richwh1: † good idea
richwh1: † hahaha
wturls: Y wturls: Y BUT I LIKE THE ONE THERE NOWkapar_nasa: ÿ yep hurry up and wait lolrichwh1: † I have the 1975 WT on mine
wturls: Y ITS SO HARD TO CHOOSE WHICH QUOTE TO PICKrichwh1: † concerning the UN
wturls: Y "TALKING TO APOSTATES: R U WISE OR STUPID"wturls: Y fossil_fairy: N trouble is they will use this as proof that they are being persicuted for being gods chosen peoplewturls: Y THAT ONE IS GREATrichwh1: † wise of course!
kapar_nasa: ÿ thats so true wturls pick a doctrine doesn't really matter which onerichwh1: † but persecuted for whose sake?
wturls: Y YOU CANT SAY WISE AND YOU DONT DARE SAY STUPIDwturls: Y richwh1: † haha beat ya to it
fossil_fairy: N wturls: Y BUT THEY WONT ADMIT ITS WISEwturls: Y wturls: Y richwh1: † of course they wont
wturls: Y richwh1: † they are dumb.....:-b
wturls: Y richwh1: † duh
fossil_fairy: N wear it like a badge they willfossil_fairy: N look what they did with malawirichwh1: † yeah and bleed from the pin sticking in their skin
richwh1: † LOL
fossil_fairy: N lolwturls: Y