Wow. That was such a beautiful story. What a connection you and your son made for life.
Another Fading Hurdle, uh, Hurdled...
by Badger 17 Replies latest jw experiences
"I don't care (hug). I love you, Daddy."
The comment in bold is a good sign my friend
For a little 5 year old to say he doesn't care about what you believe in and that he still loves you is awesome. I would take this a bit further with him as I'm sure you will, concerning WHY you no longer attend the meetings. Just don't play by dub rules when you do as you have as much right to teach him your beliefs as much as the x does. Thanks for sharing buddy......and I hope you whip Valises ass when you play the next game of poker cuz he's a bastard and teases me and stuff.
Doubtfully Yours
Good news, Badger.
Yes, all children at the KH I attend are in fear of dying in Armageddon. I know while I was growing up, and it was an awful feeling. I feel sad for those children.
franklin J
Badger, play it down.
Make lite of it and it will go away.....
Children do not want confrontation or bad news.....
If he sees you are not concerned; chances are he will not be either; despite whatever someone else is feeding him. You are his DAD; you hold the Ace card; not grandparents or even MOM.
Little boys look to their dads....
regards and be well, Frank
What a nice post! Thanks for sharing.
That's so sweet!!! Kids are not stupid and they can usually tell who's being honest with them and they will do the same. Except about cookies. They will ALWAYS lie about cookies.
So how long is the pup staying with you? Any chance you'd want to bring him over for a little healthy apostate kid association with a couple of bassets thrown in before he has to go back to the mother ship?
Yes...the Boy's in town until the end of July...and we have lots of boy stuff planned...Sea World, Burn Games, Zoo, Museum, Steaks, Viedo Games, Auto Theft...and I was thinking about a aposta visit....
have to play it down a bit, tho...He repeats EVERYTHING, and I'm sure it will hit the proverbial fan if he goes back to his Presiding overseer Grampa and says, "Hey, I went to an apostate party!"
But I am pro that....
Awwwww, Badg, that was beautiful!