Question: How can an Average man, with "no" education, interpret the Bible correctly?Question: Why would God allow man, to go for so long, up until the 1860's, without the correct interpretations of the Bible?
Question: Why would God guide, lead, and empower, people to write the scripture in a way that we could not understand, and interpret?
Question: How do we know Charles Taze Russell was right in his interpretations?
Question: Why should i, base my beleif on what an average man, such as myself, interpreted the Bible to really say, and mean?
I think that there is no way to have a certain answer for any of those questions. Take out the words "Charles Taze Russell" and subsitute Mormons or Catholics or any other religion or man in it's place and how could anyone be sure of anything? The only thing one can really conclude is that there is no certain answer to any of those questions-- unless one has "faith." Faith isn't supported by any fact, just belief. So, I guess the answers to your questions are, " I don't know... that is what every individual must figure out on their own."
My personal opinion is that JWs are wrong in claiming they have the one true religion and that NO MAN can interpret the bible "correctly" because it was written by man.