Whilst shopping today I met a young newly married witness couple. Whilst I havnt been In a Kingdom Hall In over 2 years. They were very friendly and It was nice we could talk on things other than safe-subjects. I was most impressed how they defended the U:N issue, The Child Molesting Issues,. Docrinal Shifts and Dissfellowshipping.
As we met In the shopping mall neither they nor I had any concrete documentation to support our view-points. . But to take the U.N issue they defended It almost to the point of plausibility. I was impressed with there sincerity even If they were sincerly wrong.
I rememberd when I first met this Sister 3 years ago and she gave me her testiomony of how she became a witness "Her eyes were opend and she say the light" Okay I dont agree with her light. There road isnt my path. But I wish them both only good things for the future.
Anyway my point with the story Is my surprise that knowledge of the U:N and Doctrinal Shifts were common knowledge in the congregation and Issues as to the Right or Wrong of disfellowshipping could be so well defended.
How much Apostate Knowledge do Witnesses Have ? Where does there ability to defend such Issues as the UN , doctrinal Issues ect come from. I mean there isnt a Watchtower Study that acknowledges the U:N involvement or says "This he how we defend the undefendable" So how did this sincere people aquire there knowldge? and the indoctrination to defend it?