To the naive, an unpaid clergy may sound wonderfully idealistic. Someone may quote
Jesus words about a "hired man" who guards the sheep - instead of Paul's counsel about
"a double stipend" ( 1 Tim 5:17). Some years ago, the Society sent a letter to bodies of elders
in the US advising a surprizing tight-fistedness towards Circuit Overseers - not paying for their
personal computers, for example.
The net effect of this has been to create a quiet system of "simony", whereby appointment
or "privilege" can be obtained by being "generous" with paid dinners or games of golf,
or other gifts made to your local Circuit Overseer. If you attend a circuit assembly, you
might wonder why the same brothers keep getting parts on stage - wonder no more!
It wasn't much different in Bethel either, when certain brothers got promotions after
buying their dept overseer a new carpet or other goodies.
The Society may be worried about this entrenched habit - especially since it may be
even more naked in third world countries in which bribery is common ( like the Indian
Branch, for example).
Another example of corruption that they encourage concerns secrecy. When an organization
carries too many dangerous secrets, they set themselves up for quiet blackmail.
Suppose I'm a lawyer for the Watchtower and know things that could get them sued out
of existance? Will they help me with "deals" on the side or possibly overlook some of
my discreet transgressions? I continue to think that MANY Bethelites and District
Overseers know things , that if documented, could wreck the Watchtower - such as:
proof that an extreme percentage of Witness kids leave the 'truth'
( that could raise havoc by making Witness parents give up completely, if widely known),
recording private, high-level discussions about the blood issue,
or proof of illegal financial transactions or capital transfers.
Another "Ray Franz" defector could finish them. They must be careful.