How The Watchtower Encourages Its Own Corruption

by metatron 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • metatron

    To the naive, an unpaid clergy may sound wonderfully idealistic. Someone may quote

    Jesus words about a "hired man" who guards the sheep - instead of Paul's counsel about

    "a double stipend" ( 1 Tim 5:17). Some years ago, the Society sent a letter to bodies of elders

    in the US advising a surprizing tight-fistedness towards Circuit Overseers - not paying for their

    personal computers, for example.

    The net effect of this has been to create a quiet system of "simony", whereby appointment

    or "privilege" can be obtained by being "generous" with paid dinners or games of golf,

    or other gifts made to your local Circuit Overseer. If you attend a circuit assembly, you

    might wonder why the same brothers keep getting parts on stage - wonder no more!

    It wasn't much different in Bethel either, when certain brothers got promotions after

    buying their dept overseer a new carpet or other goodies.

    The Society may be worried about this entrenched habit - especially since it may be

    even more naked in third world countries in which bribery is common ( like the Indian

    Branch, for example).

    Another example of corruption that they encourage concerns secrecy. When an organization

    carries too many dangerous secrets, they set themselves up for quiet blackmail.

    Suppose I'm a lawyer for the Watchtower and know things that could get them sued out

    of existance? Will they help me with "deals" on the side or possibly overlook some of

    my discreet transgressions? I continue to think that MANY Bethelites and District

    Overseers know things , that if documented, could wreck the Watchtower - such as:

    proof that an extreme percentage of Witness kids leave the 'truth'

    ( that could raise havoc by making Witness parents give up completely, if widely known),

    recording private, high-level discussions about the blood issue,

    or proof of illegal financial transactions or capital transfers.

    Another "Ray Franz" defector could finish them. They must be careful.


  • RandomTask

    This does sound good, but I wouldn't hold your breath.

    Oh, I think there will be a decline, but I think it will come eventually in the form of a slow, steady one into irrelevance.

  • Sunspot

    Metatron----I'm sure they are VERY careful! They have much to fear with this "evil internet" that is dispensing "accurate knowledge" about their sham of an Org.

    If they were REALLY "Jehovah's Organization"---they wouldn't have a THING to worry about!

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    #1 RibbonThank you metatron,you are always good to go bravo.My 33 years of exposure finds many dubs 'are on the take'.I was not because, i really was pure in heart so i was blind to all the fawning and ass kissing

    Point well taken about,"knowing where all the bodies are buried".They gave me a 'raw deal' and i've been raising hell with them ever since.Ghost 3

  • XQsThaiPoes

    THey are unpaid to expliot a legal loophole. If you pay them the wts is liable for the counsel they give. Also all elders become personally liable for the counsel they give. THey also become bound by confidentiality laws. THey entire elder system would disolver into a civil fire sale for all.

    The secrecy is just big businness talking. I was noticing that the child abuse scandales play in the same stream and manufacturers defect scandales or the tobacco debacle. I dont "blame" the watchtower for having these types of secrets anymore than phillip morris. And like wise they should be as legally naked. THey pretend to hide behind church and state. I suspect this is not the case and just to throw the media off track. I think the religion lobbist are sheltering the watchtower like other industry would shelter any brother in arms. They have interest to protect the WTs to protect their own churches. Since many lawers still go to church they are biased in protecting religions corps.

  • JeffT

    While I agree with your idea overall, the legal dept. can't be one of the sources of worry. Attorney-Client priveledge is a divide that can't be crossed. A lawyer that revealed confidential information would be disbarred.

  • metatron

    I understand your point about lawyers being required to maintain confidentiality, yet

    national governments are full of people trained in legal matters who 'leak' damaging information.

    There are also whistleblowers too old or sick to care. In the case of Barbara Anderson, it only took

    a 'lowly sister' to leak information that was dangerous to them.


  • VM44

    This is something I have thought about.

    With all the thousands of people who have worked years at Bethel and other locations, and have seen firsthand how things are done, and how the men in control behave, why have so few written about what they have seen?

    I only know of two people, William J. Schnell and Raymond Franz, who have written firsthand about the
    inside operation of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. And William Schnell wrote his book,
    "Thirty Years A Watchtower Slave" back in the mid 1950s.

    Why so much silence about the misdeeds at the Watchtower?

    One would think that if things seen bothered people, they would speak out, but they are not, why?


  • Confucious

    Brilliant Expose Met...

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    When I have debates with my father he says that all organizations have these type of problems, fortune 500 company's, civil service jobs, etc. But then my respond to him is none of them claim to be representitive of Gods earthly organization.

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