GermanJW makes a good point. Why is it that JWs are discouraged from donating to a charity in memoriam of the deceased, UNLESS it is the WTS? Same reason we are discouraged from making any kind of donation to charity during our lifetime---again, unless it is WTS. They old bastards just don't want any of their flock to give $$ to a worthy cause, especially if it might cut into their take.
Could This Be the Most Repellent Watchtower ....Ever?
by metatron 166 Replies latest jw friends
I'm having this wierd vision of the Governing Body members dressed up like the Fidelity Fiduciary Bank executives in Mary Poppins singing "Tuppence, Wisely Invested in the Bank" trying to get Michael to give up his coins.
Nathan Natas
Because of Jehovah's promises, we are confident that we will soon - very soon- see Anderson again.
Certainly it's a matter of only years or decades, not centuries or millenia.
right Proplog?
Obviously Secret
JW's will believe this as the most heartfelt thing in the world. Just think of a little boy making his last wish to give money to orphans. I mean if you think WTS is the mouthpeice of God your gonna view this story as the most incredible thing ever.
But of course apostates are different. And please try not to hate on JW's for liking this story? It's like that little boy giving money to the orphans but just like 10 times more to them.
I remember all that bullshit... the 'experiences' were so 'upbuilding' and 'lovely'...
Actually, they were nauseating.
Doubtfully Yours
Oh, I happen to like JWs, I really do. Still that doesn't obscure the fact that the WTBTS is merely a publishing corporation that wants as much money as it can get.
That, my friend, or should I say co-worshipper, IS the real truth.
The accusation that JW's are a money hungry organization doesn't harmonize with what they actually do. If they were primarily interested in money they would encourage American members to forget about their unproductive service (milliions of hours spent producing a 1/2 percent increase) and instead work overtime and contribute to the worldwide work where there is a significant increase.
They discourage their members from being successful in this world. If their members went to college and contributed to the organization they would have a lot more money. Their behavior indicates that money is not their primary purpose.
Judas seemed to be the one who worried about how the money was being spent.
You all have become irrational in your petty accusations.
Minimus, Metatron, Farkel etc. etc. I'll bet none of you have given even 1% of your income to charity.
I'll bet none of you have given even 1% of your income to charity.
What's that got to do with price of WTs in China?
The WTS is not a charity. Giving time or money to it does not count as giving to a charity. The WTS has discouraged its members from giving to "worldly" charities, so I can assume that if you are a faithful JW that you too have given less than one percent to charities.
No, it isn't heartwarming, proplog
It's Vile and Repellent Exploitation of Vunerable PEOPLE
The 3 of us give to the Salvation Army and the YMCA.