Canadian Election!

by dorothy 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • dorothy

    So...are you gonna vote? For who?

    Funny story: A few months ago my friend and I were driving down the street. I saw a "sister" walking so I told my friend to pull over and give her a ride. So, as the sister was trying to explain to my non-dub friend where she lived he suddenly looked at me and said "Oh yeah, I know where that is, it's right by where you went to vote last election, isn't it?"


  • Richie

    Yes, I am going to vote for Stephen Harper of the Conservative Party, who shows to have Christian values - he is not trying to pander to the Quebec seperatists by giving them everything they demand and he is also interested in a united Canada and wants to be a strong supporter of the USA as well....

    Richie :*)

  • Mary

    Not very good choices. I never liked the Liberals even before the whole scandal, but their continual waste of over a billion dollars on gun registery (when criminals still have all their unregistered weapons), contracts given out to friends and family, hundreds of millions squandered on all kinds of inconsequential crap, yet funding for education and health care has been slashed to pieces. The Conservatives are too right-wing for my tastes and they certainly can't be trusted ('member Lyin' Brian Mulroney, still the most hated Prime Minister in Canadian history?). Their just saying the stuff their saying just to try and lure votes. NDP have about as much chance of forming a goverment as I do growing another ass. Ditto with the minor parties and idies.

    I think in Canadian politics it's not "who's we gonna choose to govern for 4yrs." but "who are we gonna choose to beat us over the head and lie to us for 4yrs". The only difference between the Canadian government and Nazi Germany, is Hitler never told them they were living in a democracy.

  • iiz2cool

    Maybe we'll have a minority government which will give the Bloc Quebecois greater power.


  • Elsewhere

    Ohhhh.... everyone knows that it doesn't really matter... Canada isn't a real country anyway.

  • talesin


  • JH

    I won't vote for the "Bloc Quebecois".

  • Scully


    I really miss the Rhinocerous Party.

    Love, Scully

  • shamus

    Actually, Scully, I believe they were termed 'The Rhino's'.

    The parties running suck. I may vote NDP, I dunno.

    If you really want to throw your vote away, vote for the marijuana party. Talk about delusional.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I really don't think the Liberals are all that bad considering we already had 8 years of the Conservatives and Brian (I will do anything for a buck) Mulroney. I don't trust the Conservatives hidden agenda and Stephen Harper . I don't care for Paul Martin as he is another slick politician. I do like the NDP leader Jack Layton and the NDP candidate that is running in my area. Unlike the other candiates in my ridding, he has lived in the ridding for over 40 years and understands the needs and concerns of the average working person. I would like to see a minority government.


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