It was a year ago this past week that I joined JWD. Being here has helped me with one issue in particular. I would like exchange feelings/experiences with you about this, as I feel that it could be key for many of us.
I left the JWs in 1977, was DF in 1979. Since then, and up until joining JWD, I had no knowledge of the machinations of the Society.
Some of the things I learned about here are, the flip flop on organ transplants, the UN scandal and the 'two witness' rule being applied to paedophiles. I also read many stories of the lies and abuse perpetrated upon individuals by the bodies of elders in many congregations. The widespread favoritism, the gossiping, the dishonesty of many of the 'brothers' in business was quite shocking to read about.
For the first 6 months here, I could feel my anger growing more and more. Then, I was forced to take a break of several months due to lack of pc facilities. When I returned in February of this year, my rage began to spill over. It exploded here, on JWD, during an unfortunate episode of which I am not too proud. After that episode, I took a hard look in the mirror, and examined the reasons for my angry outburst.
I realized that I had suppressed my anger at the bOrg for over 25 years, and that anger had, quite naturally, turned into rage. Anger at the way my JC lied to trick me into 'confessing', the lack of compassion shown me by my friends and family when I was DF, the manipulative guilt trip that has been laid on me by my parents all my life (I blame the WTS, not them), the loss of my education due to the 1975 lie.
I never realized how angry I was at them. I had shoved it all down inside. By virtue of this, the WTS was still controlling me, as the rage within touched every facet of my life, especially my physical and emotional health, and my relationships.
Those personal experiences, combined with my new knowledge of the Society's lies over the past 25 years, had built up a hatred inside me that was white-hot. After examining my feelings and acknowledging my rage, I let it flow through the keyboard by way of this medium, JWD, and released it from my soul.
Now, instead of all that rage being inside, making me bitter and yes, sad, it is gone, directed toward the WTS. On days that I read of new injustices, or have a bad experience with a family member, I am momentarily angry, but I can now let it go instead of ignoring it and burying it deep within me.
I feel a new peace inside, a realization that I have finally moved on from bitterness and self-pity. I think of that phrase 'an incredible lightness of being'. It describes how I feel, now that I have dealt with my rage.
The WTS no longer controls me, finally, after all these years.
Some would call this a 'cathartic experience'. I agree with the term, but also think of it as a paradigm shift, a whole new way of looking at life. No longer angry and frustrated without knowing why, but happier and with a new zest for life.
Now, I can't wait to see what the future holds.
Thanks JWD, and ALL of you. Each one plays their role in making JWD a place of learning, healing and sometimes just plain fun. As Shotgun said a few weeks ago, I have found my tribe.
Any others who would like to comment/share?