Amazing Photo

by Lehaa 28 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • ohiocowboy

    Wow!!! That is Something else. I am so glad that the operation was successful ,and that the baby has a chance to live a healthy life!

    Thanks for sharing!

  • pudd

    Wow! what an amazing story and picture!

    Thank you for posting that Lehaa. It made me quite emotional!

    pudd xxx

  • Yerusalyim


    I've never been a JW myself. My wife was a Dub when we married, and her three kids as well. She is no longer a Dub and one of my step kids has left too. That's my exposure, trying to deal with the insanity of being married to someone who used to believe the Borg was the Truff. Me, I'm Catholic, always have been.

  • confusedjw

    I wonder what is the humane way to abort a fetus that is holding onto your finger? Club it like a baby seal?

    (this is not an antiabortion or pro life post - I don't have a political position or agenda on this matter. It was just a question.)

  • drwtsn32

    Wow, cool pic!

    I wonder what is the humane way to abort a fetus that is holding onto your finger?

    I am pro-choice but I don't think abortions should be allowed after a certain point in development. If you're gonna abort, due it early in the pregnancy before the fetus develops too far.

  • Special K
    Special K

    This was just an amazing story and a heart warming picture to me..

    I am deeply moved by that picture.


    Special K

  • Simon
    Is everyone reduced to 25 threads and one post or am I being punished for my conservative views again?

    Yeru: I do not appreciate being misrepresented. Your posts were limited because of your repeated extremist and abhorant views and nothing to do with 'conservative' views - I am a conservative and take exception to you claiming that your opinions in anyway reflect my own.

    I've changed your posting limits for you.

  • Yizuman

    Nice threadjacking Simon, take it to PMs please.

    Btw, that's the most beautiful baby in the world, why would anyone want to abort this child?


  • Puternut

    Wow that is an amazing picture.


  • Simon
    Nice threadjacking Simon, take it to PMs please.

    Erm ... I think it's YERU you need to talk to about thread-jacking. Why should I allow dishonest statements about me to stand unchallenged? Perhaps someone imagined they would sneak it in somewhere I wouldn't see ...

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