at an old book store. Not sure if I wasted my money or if I will find anything of any significance. While skimming through it though I noticed how the Catholic Church is so demonized; how everything evil in this world is because of the Catholic Church. These lines caught my eye:
Fascism and Nazism mean one and the same thing and are the instrument of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, the child of the Devil, to gain control of the earth by the Hierarchy and turn all people against God and his kingdom.
Amongst her instruments that she uses are ultraselfish men called "Jews", who look only for personal gain, and who therefore readily yield to and join with the Hierarchy in any unrighteous schemes
I'm still reading CoC.. I'm at chapter 11-Point of Decision. I honestly didn't realize how vile this org (Governing Body) is. I empathize with the average person who truly doesn't know what goes on. At times I thought, this can't be true, this is fiction. I'm not sure how much longer I can keep quiet. I want so badly to tell my mother what I know. I really feel for her. She hasn't said too much to me (since my dad passed away) I feel she's too scared of alienating me. I'm the only person she has besided the congregation. When I called her a few days ago she admitted that only one person in the congregation helps her. This is a person that my mother has an immense dislike for, how ironic. She mentioned how last Sunday they talked about uplifting each other and I casually mentioned how sometimes it's just talk and she agreed. I was really surprised that she would admit that. Sorry for rambling. During the summer I don’t come here as much because of work so I want to put everything in one post.