Would like to introduce myself. I am a new member to this forum and a new member of studying the Jehovah Witness Bible. I have been reading the Bible since I was a young girl but studying with Jehovah WItnesses I am new at. I look forward to having wonderful friends that will help me with any questions or problems that I will encounter. Thank you all.
by cct1106 14 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome -- may I ask are yo ustudying the New World Translation on your own or with a couple of Jehovahs witnesses - I am just interested. You have come to the right place/forum if you want truthful answers to difficult questions - or perhaps some questions that are not too difficult but you just need other viewpoints. Welcome once again
(((((((((((((((((Warm Welcome)))))))))))))))))))))
Hi Cct1106,
Welcome to the forum. You said you have been reading the Bible since you were a young girl. And what was wrong with that method? Why do you need an outside source to explain it to you? Is your understanding somehow defective? Is Watchtower literature more enlightening than God's own Word? The Watchtower began publishing literature in 1879. People read the Bible for centuries before that without their explanations and were not the worse for it. What makes someone elses's explanations better than your own? They can quote it better than you? As for me, I'd rather take my own chances and understand the Bible on my own, even if its just a little bit, than rely on others to tell me what I'm really reading. What if those who explain the Bible to you get you all confused? Is that what God wants?
Why can't you ask God in prayer to help you understand what you read in the Bible? I would trust Him a lot more than I do people and literature.
Double Edge
WELCOME. Stay with this board, as there are some very nice and informative people who can help you. They have walked the path you are contemplating and have some interesting and useful things you need to consider. AGAIN.... WELCOME CCT !!
Hi again - sorry I misunderstood -you are studying with Jehovahs Witnesses - well fair enough -but be very careful when they talk about the faithful and discreet slave - make sure you come on this forum for a different viewpoint on that - I was once an elder so I know the standard answesr the ywill give you - just check everything first - they will also talk a lot about how Satan will try and stop you studying and not to go on dodgy websites -- just keep an open mind and you will be fine
Ello lass
Do not be perturbed by the schenalligans of the few here, excellent seeing you here, hope you find the forum most enlightening and that you truthfully find the answers to the questions you have, again a Warm welcome, good to see you here.
All best wishes and kindest regards!!
welcome CCT,
You've come to the right place if you want answers to your questions. We cover a wide variety of topics here, not always bible based, and have a huge amount of fun.
Welcome and am looking forward to reading more of your posts.
We're glad to have you here and wish you well in your perusing the board. We have lots of good discussions and everyone's ideas are listened to---maybe not always agreed with, but listened to!
I became a JW in 1973 and like most of the folks here, am very familiar with all the beliefs. There's probably 100s or 1000s of years of experience here.