Hi Lows for the week.

by Lehaa 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Lehaa

    Ok new idea, was thinking of sharting a Hi low post at the end of every week.

    The idea came from the move "The Story Of Us" starring Bruce Willis and Michelle Pfeiffer.

    For all who have not seen the movie, at the end of every day they sit at the dinner table with there kids and all have to tell the rest on the family the high (good thing that happened for the day) and their low ( bad or dissapointing thing that happened for the week). It can bee as silly or as serious as you want.

    Just and idea, will trial it for a few weeks and see how it goes.

    My high: It's now school holidays here, have my kids home for 2 weeks, no more early starts and fighting to get the kids into bed on time. We can do what we want for two weeks.

    My low: had huge fight with my Ex in public, hated it. He just would not stop. Kept following me round. I ended up running to my car and driving off.

  • dh

    it's difficult for me to write my highs and lows because they are always very personal and difficult for me to explain.

    however i think it's a good topic and i wouldn't like to see it go down with no replies.

  • Lehaa

    oh well not such a good Idea.

    won't be posting it nexrt week.


  • Eyebrow2

    Hi for the week: I got to buy a few new clothes

    Lo for the week: not getting what I really wanted because it was not in my size =(

    But...I have been going to the gym every day since yesterday


    On another note...when we rented that movie, when they were at the dinner table, I had to keep rewinding to point out the continuity errors. Notice the plate of food...2 seconds later the plate has different amounts...etc....I love that movie for that...the best conntinuity error ever.

  • Pinned Blouse
    Pinned Blouse

    Lows: Popping 2 buttons off my capris earlier this week and feeling really "fat"

    Highs: Founding out my popped buttons was trying to accomodate a new baby... I am pregnant!


  • HeyNow!

    High: Spending a week preparing with my wife and son for move to California..we had a blast there and we will be all moved out by end of July

    Low: Hearing " What if you fail in your endeavor out here?"

  • Fed Up
    Fed Up

    High for the week My husband's JW parents went back home, and did NOT visit with his EX WIFE for the entire week as they originally intended, and now, they are NOT talking to us!

    Low for the week....there were no lows!

  • seeitallclearlynow

    High for the week: Been visiting different beaches each day as I can, love it - yesterday walked and watched some rock climbers, male/female/child/fat/fit everyone participated, in Malibu!

    Today, went to Leo Carillo Beach, walked/hiked a bit and watched the surfers and families, cool.

    Lows: I always keep those to myself. Sorry.

  • SheilaM

    High: My son came home and work went great

    Low: I still haven't gotten my garden weeded

  • Lehaa
    oh well not such a good Idea.

    won't be posting it nexrt week

    Sorry for this coment, was feeling really down when I posted it. Feeling much better today.

    Pinned Blouse.

    Congratulations, Thats so great.

    Thanks all for posting


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