My brother was bullied constantly at school - he never would fight back, or when he did eventually 'lose it' it was blind rage, which is ineffective against a group of bullies. One particular group called themselves 'jew-bashers', and dragged my brother onto a waste disposable ground, knocked him to the floor, put an old washing machine carcass over him, then set it on fire. These lads were all 2 years older than me, but when I found out who it was I beat the living shit out of them, one by one.
I had a lot of problems with bullying, but because most of them had had a taste of me alone, they wouldn't try anything unless there was several of them. I got beaten up quite badly at times, but always made sure they felt it too. And, if necessary, I'd find them when they were alone and repay their 'kindness'. When the class 2 years ahead of me left school, I no longer had any problems.
I only ever got hit by one teacher, when I was 15. He hated witnesses, and I was always the 'trouble causer' in his opinion. I was arguing in my maths class with another pupil, and we'd just squared up to each other when the teacher came in. He shouted, stormed over to us both and then struck me across the face. I puched him back, and we stood glaring at each other until he walked away. He never reported the incident, as he would have been sacked for hitting me.
Most kids in my 'form' class used to ask me questions about things, but I didn't get much ridicule from it - I guess they were scared of being beaten up.
Some christian kid I was!!