Help!! Soft Contact lens Users

by Cassiline 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • SheilaM

    Tefecat: LOL I have done that but was just tired in the morning....I have found my cornea is not removable LOL

  • Elsewhere

    Eeek! I have tried to wear contact lenses, but I just can't do it!

    I just hate the idea of a foreign object resting on the surface of my eye... not to mention the added risks associated with what happens if you get sand, chemicals or anything else in your eye while the lens is in! I seen people have their lenses chemically melted onto the surface of the eye after getting chemicals in the eye. <--- Passing out

    I much prefer glasses... to me the glasses act like a barrier between me and anything that might try to get in my eyes.

  • Princess
    I just hate the idea of a foreign object resting on the surface of my eye... not to mention the added risks associated with what happens if you get sand, chemicals or anything else in your eye while the lens is in! I seen people have their lenses chemically melted onto the surface of the eye after getting chemicals in the eye. <--- Passing out

    I much prefer glasses... to me the glasses act like a barrier between me and anything that might try to get in my eyes.


    I'm with doc. I wore soft lenses for years until I got an infection and nearly lost my eye. After about five years I got gas permeable lenses to replace my glasses. When I was pregnant, the shape of my eyes changed and I could never wear them comfortably again. Finally I had lasik four years ago and have had 20/15 vision ever since.

  • Elsewhere

    But ya gotta luuuve me!

  • Cassiline

    First thank you all for your advise and stories, good, bad and funny. LOL Shelia!

    What a mess! She would not sit still long enough for me to douse the eye and kept closing it involuntarily as I was trying to wash the eye out.

    Finally I called the Nurse Assistance Line for our insurnace company. Of course she said take her to the ER. I tried to wash it again and had her pulling her eyelid down and rolling her eyes-- nothing.

    I finally say lets go, knowing the ER wait would be five or six hours since we reside on an Army base. Gahhhh!

    We get in the car and she starts to say owwwwwwwwww owwwwwwwwww and I looked and finally could see the tip of what was left up high, but none the less I could see the damn thing. I had her move her eye in different directions and finally it came out! Yeah!

    I compared the two pieces and it looks as if it is all there and nothing is left in her eye. No ER visit! Whew!

    Thanks again


  • Elsewhere


    Now go get her some glasses.

  • Cassiline

    Now go get her some glasses.

    She has them, I wish I could talk her out of them after reading what you wrote! YUCK! Being 18 and leaving for College I don't have a whole lot of say anymore. You know when they hit 18 they know everything. Cassi

  • Elsewhere
    She has them, I wish I could talk her out of them after reading what you wrote! YUCK! Being 18 and leaving for College I don't have a whole lot of say anymore. You know when they hit 18 they know everything.

    That is just part of growing up.... people need to make their own mistakes, otherwise they will never really mature.

  • Cassiline
    That is just part of growing up.... people need to make their own mistakes, otherwise they will never really mature.

    I'm just having a really hard time knowing she will make those mistakes and I suppose letting go.

    Thanks Else


  • SheilaM

    Elsewhere: It is all in how you look at it...your cornea is also protected from outside debris and stuff.....could save your cornea from being scratched.

    I wash my EVERY NIGHT and NEVER leave them in overnight...I think that is just gross

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