i just saw on CNN how power was just handed over to Iraq. They did it early to foil terrorists that want to mess with the transfer
by avishai 26 Replies latest social current
good thinking, they are going to need all the help they can get.
A smart idea.
Of course, one has to wonder whether the aims stated at the outset have been achieved - obviously there's a difference of opinion on this, both in term of what the initial aims were as well as whether they have been achieved.
From Yahoo!;
...the war which has cost them [the USA] a staggering $126bn so far.
But regardless of our own opinions I think we all need to wish the peace-loving people of Iraq all the best. They're going to need it.
For their money (the equivalent of $3,415 per household), they have seen 952 coalition soldiers die, 853 of whom have been Americans, 6,370 Iraqi soldiers and 11,317 Iraqi civilians.
Between 50 and 90 civilian contractors and missionaries and 30 journalists are also dead.
The figures, which do not include yesterday's attacks, were compiled by the Institute For Policy Studies and represent, according to the report's lead author Phyllis Bennis, an "enormously high price for failure".
"It's not as if we're becoming more safe," she tells the Guardian. "It's not as if we are bringing peace to Iraq or democracy to the Middle East." -
I hope the normal people in Iraq get a chance to live normally without fear. Unfortunately, I fear that all that has been achieved is to destabilise the country and open the floodgates to terrorism.
One has to wonder at the reality of the situation when the announcement claims they are in control of the security situation ... but they have switched the date precisely because the security situation is so bad!
Now Paul Bremmer looks like he's going to do a quick runner.
It is an exciting an historic day. Security right now is going to be the extremely major problem. It looks like the new pres. has a reasonable idea of what he is up against. Saddam will be brought before an Iraqi judge within 1 week. He is now under their legal system. The US will provide for his physical safety until Iraq can. For sure much trouble lies ahead, but it is so exciting to see people take back their country and bring to judgment a horrible tryant. If i was in iraq now i would be praying for all the help they can get b/c for one thing a lot of taliban are holed up in Fallugah(sp).
I just had a brilliant idea!!! Let's turn the reconstruction of Iraq over to Faith Based Initiatives! :-D
No one is saying this is going to be easy, the Iraqi's know they have a rough road ahead. But just now, listening to their new prime minister, he calls for all Iraqi people to identify these terrorists and fight for Iraq. they now have a country, one free of a horrible tryant who spent most of their money and killed innocent people.
Whether we are liberals or conservatives, surley we are happy for these people. Their future is ahead of them.
I hope the transfer goes over well, but I think the poor people of Iraq have a long struggle ahead of them, due to those who still support Saddam Hussein and who do not want a democracy. Is the U.S. or the U.N. going to help them with the thing they need most: education?
well, today the nations of Nato promised the new president help. (well Germany and france do not want to do very much, but have offerred to train their soliders , but not in Iraq) He is calling on all the fellow muslim countries for help and to forgive their money debts. The Us of course will maintain a presence to help them with security. I was so moved by the prime minister. He called on allah to guide them and bring their country back to what it had once been before Saddam took control. He called on Iraq to move forward to the future and not into the past. He said all Iraquis would be equal citizens, regardless of their ethinc, or sect.
I know they have a long road ahead of them, frought with many dangers from terrorists, but i was very moved at their idealism, and faith in their God.
This is great news!