I was wanting to look at the questions for baptism that year for a reason...anybody have a that book? I can't seem to find mine..
by codeblue 21 Replies latest watchtower bible
I was wanting to look at the questions for baptism that year for a reason...anybody have a that book? I can't seem to find mine..
Come on....somebody has to have that info.............PLEEEEEEEEEEEEASE!!!
I've got one. Did you want all 80 questions or was there one thing in particular you were after?
Is this what you are looking for?
Are you thinking of the 2 questions that were asked of the baptismal candidates at the assembly by the speaker?
Are you thinking of the questions that were asked by the elders prior to the assembly to see if you were "worthy"?
thanks for the response Elsewhere and Blondie....
I want the list of questions to appear worthy to the elders asking me the questions...where can I find those?
Elsewhere....thanks for that site, are those the questions asked at the assembly or D. C.???
I was baptized in 1974, and I don't recall being asked to be loyal to an organization before the elders...
TD: What is the name of that book and what year is it????
I can't seem to find my book of 80 questions anywhere....hmmmmm
Elsewhere....thanks for that site, are those the questions asked at the assembly or D. C.???
Yes... when one is about to be baptized the speaker asks the baptismal candidates two questions. Those two questions have changed several times and are outlined on that web site.
I'm looking around for the 80 or so "qualifying" questions but I can't seem to find the book.
Does anyone remember what that book was called that has all of the questions in the back?
I need the book for the year 1974...Qualified to be Ministers??? is that it?
It was called, "Organization for Kingdom Preaching and Disciple Making" (1972) It fell between, "Your Word Is A Lamp To My Foot" (1967) and, "Organized To Accomplish Our Ministry" (1983) (It's predecessor and successor)
In many ways, it reflected the moderating influence of Ray Franz.
My copy is currently at home, but I'll be happy to scan anything you need if you can't find one.