Face it - some people WANT to be a JW!

by Dawn 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    This is true. Many people like a structured life, where everything is planned and carried out in a like fashion.

    Also, some people are attracted by the mild, subservient personality of many inside the Org. Religion aside, many of us like some friendships we've developed over the years inside the WTBTS.

    There are many reasons why people stay inside, or become JWs.


  • undercover
    it just seems a shame that you conclude it is those weak who want to be Witnesses. Surely you must know how much strength it takes every week to want to go face-to-face with all sorts of people with all sorts of anti-God, anti-faith, anti-anything attitudes.

    This statement made me think. Zealous JWs call us "weak" because we refuse to play by the WTS rules anymore. We tend to want to call JWs "weak" because they refuse to look beyond what the WTS dictates for them. To be fair, it takes strength to leave the witnesses and it takes strength for people to become witnesses.

    Unfortunately, I think that we want to lump all witnesses into a single entity. Even though the WTS is the organization that deserves our scorn and disrespect, many sincere, kind, good people known as Jehovah's Witnesses get caught in the crossfire. No, not all of them are good people, but many are, no different than any other religion. Many of them are completely happy as JWs, as there are many happy Catholics, Baptists, etc, etc. I have no problem accepting them as they are. That is, as long as they don't force certain issues with me.

    I know that JWs will never think that way about X-JWs or apostates, but that's okay. I don't need their approval anymore. I know what I know and accept the fact that many will never leave and may cut off their association with me. It's a big world out there, most of it without the influence of the WTS. I choose to explore some of it with what's left of my life.

  • kls

    Excellent insight, you are so right. Many people have to be led by their nose to funtion

  • cyber-sista

    Lady Lee--excellent thoughts--thank you .

    and BubYes, I remember the courage it took as a young person to knock on doors and hope to no end that one of my classmates would not open the door because I also remember the courage it took to endure the teasing and ridicule at school. But I was young and did what I was told out of fear.

    I personally think that my courage was mustered up by fear--the fear of God and the Org and it's members that kept me going from door to door and to all the meetings even though it was not in my heart to do so.

    Just recently when a sister I have known for years called to see how I was doing and to offer her "encouragement." when I told her that I had not attended meetings for quite a while she really freaked on me and said "Meetings and field service are not optional in serving Jehovah, you cannot decide for yourself what is right and wrong!"

    I have often thought about that comment "You can't decide for yourself what is right and wrong." Afterall this person was deciding it was right to allow the Organization to make all their decisions for them. But she had zealously dedicated many years of her life to the Org and being one of JWs is so a part of her identity now that I can't imagine her doing anything else with her life

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