The Society said in past issues of the Watchtower that reading "apostate" literature is just as bad as reading pornography,here is where a double standard comes into play.A person can't be disfellowshipped for reading pornography,but can for reading other literature.I don't get that.Also they claim that music is a conscience matter,yet how long could a brother or sister listen to a great gospel tape or CD before being disfellowshipped?If a man grew a beard you think that they would be treated well at the Kingdom Hall?One last thing,If the Society wasnt promoting the 1975 date,and never said it,then why were there not loads of disfellowshippings BEFORE the failed date for apostasy by promoting a false date?These are just a few of the many double standards that I have observed.God bless you all.
Jehovahs Witness Double Standards
by truthbeliever 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Good Points!
The Borg is full of double standardsand lies.
Think about this, If a person is disfellowshiped for something they did not do, how can that person show a repented addittude if you can not honestly admit that you did something wrong.
As usual the Borg is always right no matter what.
Yes those and thousands others.
Like if a decision is a conscience matter then why would the elders get involved in that decision.
I suppose it's all a part of the mind control.
Double standards?
I couldn't register at the YMCA for summer activities for my kids, but the WTS registers with the UN every year for 10 years-to (cough) use the library!
They encourage people to investigate their own religion..but wetnoses better not investigate their own..
JWs do not confess sins, but if you keep repeating a sin and dont consult the elders you can be dfed if it is dicovered.
JW's are the official religion of the Double Standard.
The incident in Crisis of Conscience regarding the brothers in Malawi and the contrasting position in Mexico is a great one.
Another instance in there that I totally did not know about was that, in the 60's, having sex w/ an animal was not considered 'adultery'. He mentions a case where a woman caught her husband having sex w/ an animal, but the Society wouldn't let her divorce him, nor was he df'd. When she did (for obvious reasons), she was disfellowshipped for an unscriptural divorce. Huh?????
How they love to bash on other 'churches' for their 'missteps' and hypocrisy. What if it had been the Catholics, or the Methodists that had been proclaiming so vehemently over the last 50 years that the UN was the wild beast and then been caught 'in bed' w/ them? How many gleeful references would there have been in the WT about the 'hypocrisy of false religion'. (If I remember correctly, there is an article in the late 80's that mentions the Catholic Church and condemns them for being an NGO). Yet, when caught themselves, they won't even admit to it, much less 'repent'.
Were the brothers that signed the UN documents df'd for apostasy? I promise if it had been Joe or Jane Publisher, they would have been in front of a JC so quick for 'reproaching Jehovah's name'.
Why do they tell their bible studies to 'look up' and 'examine' everything they're being taught, but if you do it AFTER you are a JW you'll be df'd?
Why do they tell you over and over that Jehovah wants your service, no matter how small, as long as it's the 'best you can do', and yet if you're not one of the '110 percenters' you're basically on the outside and the brothers will counsel you for 'bringing the congregation average down'?
Hahhahaha. And you think they haven't read them? Now THERE'S a double standard.
Obviously Secret
Like how we are the happiest people in the world. Then when we aren't happy it's because of the world. Which most JWs aren't happy so I guess most JWs are worldly. Dunno if that's a double standard just something that's stupid about the religion.
zen nudist
you notice how they say one should be like the Boreans who searched the scriptures night and day to see if these things were so...
but never give you any option as to what to do when you find these things are NOT so?
I asked 3 different elders on three different occasions and got the same scary answer:
I asked: what if you found something the society was teaching to be wrong from your understanding, what do you do?
to a man, the gave the same robotic answer:
I would NEVER presume to question the society.
so what is this BS [belief System] about being like a borean all about? where they not questioning and skeptical?
WE ARE BORG-- lower your intellect, surrender your will.
your financial and physical resources will be made so service us.... resistance is futile.