Why do people lie.

by ball. 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • ball.

    I am witnessing several friends break up at the moment and one of my best mate's wife has constantly denied being in an afair despite be-friending a 21 year old guy who saw more of her than he did, and numerous suspicious txt messages and so on and so on. Anyway, to cut a long story short, he moved in here with me and has just spent three weeks going insane, un-able to sleep, brain over-active, and if he wasn't such a sane chap, almost going paranoid.

    Well, some of you know I'm a bit of a geek, so we wired up his home PCs web cam and ran a citrix session with remote control and a web cam recorder with ftp to download the files, and I waited tonight while he watched the result. Bingo. She's lying.

    After a tearful evening, the poor chaps just gone to bed, saying he feels like he might get his first night's sleep now that he knows for sure in all these weeks. Truth is, she could have saved him all this if instead of false pretences, she had just told the truth. Instead of "you don't listen to me so I want a trial seperation", she could have said, "there's someone else". This would have saved a whole load of trouble, not to mention hard disk space. (last bit was a joke).

    I know I may get a poster say something like "it is difficult", but it is something I have stood by in my life in practice, and I will always believe honesty is the best policy."

  • RandomTask

    because they want to fit two gallons worth of life into a one gallon container.

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    I know why the Watchtower Lies:Handcuffed The Watchtower is run by psychopaths maybe the comparison will provide insight.

    Notice:my personal assesment is that 30% of the general population has an major idiopathic lying problem.

    I hope you feel better Undaunted Danny I Love You Mug 2 Flowers & Vase

  • notperfectyet


    There are two people in life, liars and non liars. Welcome to my world.

  • moonwillow

    I wonder the same thing everyday!

  • cruzanheart

    Some people lie to feel better about themselves.

    Some people lie to validate their feelings of worthlessness and badness.

    Some people lie . . . because they can!

    Some people don't lie at all because they really want to be good and see life as it is, and present themselves honestly. After all, what good is "catching" someone if they don't want YOU but the person you represent yourself to be?

    Never have understood that mentality.


  • orbison11

    this is a very touch subject with me.

    the man i was with was/is a patholoical liar. i was believing the sky was green and the grass was red. no kidding. i was going crazy. even when i caught him outright in affairs, lies lies lies,

    which has become a difficult thing in my day to day life, as now i don't believe a word from anyone, and if i ever do become intimate again with a man, he will have to be very understanding.......and i don't know if i even want to bother the chance of it happening again

    after all, they start out so nice and smooth:smile:


  • DFWnonJW

    I know someone that is a deacon in his church and always goes on about his love of the lord (gotta laugh out loud at that!). He's married and sees several women on the side, unbeknownst to his wife of course. All of them go to the same church from what he's said. His motto is "deny, deny, deny" and says that unless he gets caught essentially in the act, that he will continue to deny it. He says he has trained his wife to not listen to people that try to tell her what is going on. Strange huh? He lies, cheats and steals with ease and gets away with it. There are people out there that see it is a way of life and have it down pat. As he says, "I'm not a dog, it's just the dog in me." Nice guy huh? BTW, I say he's a dog.

  • ball.

    Damn - I just found out this guy only had room for the recordings in his kazaa \ shareazza folder, and leaving that running was the pretense for leaving the PC on!!! OMG!

  • Cassiline
    Damn - I just found out this guy only had room for the recordings in his kazaa \ shareazza folder, and leaving that running was the pretense for leaving the PC on!!! OMG!

    Computer jargon and I do not get along. I do however know what Kazaa is but why is this such an important revelation? Help me understand the drama! lol Cassi


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