I am one of those lurkers who finally decided to post and introduce myself. I could possibly win an award for the longest addicted reader without posting ever. I started reading this site when the old h2o shut down - what was that - 3 or 4 years ago. I was never a witness, but when I met my husband, I found out that he had studied on and off for years but was never baptized. He hasn't been to a meeting in years but still believes it's the "Truth." I went to a few meetings at first with him and was studying the "Knowledge" book but it was the biggest bunch of drivel I had ever read. The way it was written reminded me of the old Dick & Jane books we learned to read with in the first grade (I know I'm dating myself here - yeah, old as dirt.) The studies quickly came to a halt when I did all the wrong confrontational things. Now, religion is something we pretty much avoid talking about. Anyway, I just wanted to say how much I love this place, not only for the education about the Witnesses you can receive, but also for the way people care about each other. It can also be one of the funniest places on the web. The wit that some of you have is amazing. I probably won't post much but just wanted to let you all know how much I appreciate this place and wanted to give Simon a big THANK YOU.
Hi Everyone
by Chloe 20 Replies latest jw friends
May I be the first to welcome you----if someone isn't faster on the keyboard..
Special K
Welcome chloe
If I tell you I too remember those books .. whew, way back there.
See spot run.
Spot run fast.
Jane run fast.
Glad you like this forum. I've enjoyed it myself and certainly learned a lot about the changes the Jehovahs Witnesses have made since being d'fd back in the early 90's.
again welcome.
Special K
Double Edge
Hey there Chloe.... my, but you dooooo take a loooooooong time to introduce yourself. Glad you chimed in. I enjoyed your post and really like your avitar. By the way.... I "studied" Dick and Jane too (years ago). I look forward to you sharing your thoughts. Take care...AND DON/T BE A STRANGER !
Hi Chloe good to meet you.
welcome Chloe,
Glad you've finally made yourself known to us.Looking forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome Chloe, well i guess it is about time you signed in, glad to have to you
Thank you all for your warm welcome. I really did put in paragraphs, but it looks like I will have to learn how to format properly. Chloe is one of our cats. She is a calico and has been known to do the same exact thing as the one in my avatar, hence the look of the window blinds in the bedroom.
Hi Chloe, welcome to the forum.
Nice to meet you Chloe!!!