TO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES ELDERS: BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS ARE BIBLICALLY SUPPORTED: Acts 15:20 says abstain from blood but 1 Samuel 14:32-5 says Saul's army ate unBLED meat to not starve and no verses show God not forgiving them. Christ says God also forgave David's eating temple holy bread to survive and that God wants Mercy Not Sacrifice. (Mt 12) The May 22, 1994 Awake tells of 26 Jehovah's Witness kids who died without transfusions, and by common sense in massive bleeding as in car wrecks blood expanders won't save lives About 3 Jehovah's Witnesses die daily earthwide from the unscriptural policy! (Blood On The Altar by David Reed) Yet most normal identical twins transfuse whole blood to each other through a shared placenta and childrens' whole blood is sometimes found in mothers years after birth-- the approved arrangement by God using nature. The book of Acts is about not using blood in all senses and contexts but in the sense of not using it anymore than strangled meat for temple sacrifices -- not in regard to transfusions. Please share copies of this with others to help save more lives.
Blood Transfusions are Biblically Supported
by allpoweredup 45 Replies latest watchtower medical
Thank you for the clarification!
1 Samuel 14:32-5 says Saul's army ate unBLED meat to not starve and no verses show God not forgiving them.
I don't think any verses show god not forgiving Noah for commiting incest with his own daughter while drunk either.......or Lot choosing to live with Homo's and offering his daughters to men to save some strangers lives. The bible god forgives who he wants, and kills who he wants......he has to, cuz you can't kill off the main actors at the beginning of a movie.
1 Samuel 14:32-5, says "
32 And the people began darting greedily at the spoil and taking sheep and cattle and calves and slaughtering them on the earth, and the people fell to eating along with the blood. 33 So they told Saul, saying: "Look! The people are sinning against Jehovah by eating along with the blood." At this he said: "YOU have dealt treacherously. First of all, roll a great stone to me." 34 After that Saul said: "Scatter among the people, and YOU must say to them, ?Bring near to me, each one of YOU, his bull and, each one, his sheep, and YOU must do the slaughtering in this place and the eating, and YOU must not sin against Jehovah by eating along with the blood.?" Accordingly all the people brought near each one his bull that was in his hand that night and did the slaughtering there. 35 And Saul proceeded to build an altar to Jehovah. With it he started altar building to Jehovah.Saul's army ate unBLED meat to not starve and no verses show God not forgiving them.
I think you need to re-read your bible.
So basically.....a Jehovah's Witness can have a blood transfusion.....IF they bring along a bull to sacrafice afterward for a sin offering. It gets the hospital staff pissed though cuz I tried it and they try and charge you a cleanup fee.
I don't think allpowerdup really needs to re-read his Bible.
Basically, the "sin" in this account was forgiven. Sure, it was a serious matter, but forgiveness was possible.
Actually, one must ask how much this account even has to do with blood transfusions. The wts says that this account shows that even in "emergencies" God's law on blood is not to be circumvented. I once had to make that exact point as school overseer when the point came up during a written review. At that time, I seriously considered skipping the question - that's how much I questioned their interpretation.
This situation in Samuel was no emergency - it was precipitated by the rash oath of an idiotic king, Saul. This cannot in any way relate to the situation of a person who is in danger of losing their life in a medical dilemma.
Also, forgiveness by God was possible, even when people acted "greedily" due to excess hunger. This was a food consumption issue, and even as such, God could overlook such an example of supposed greed. Is a person who wants to preserve life by considering a blood transfusion acting "greedily"? And if God can forgive, with proper appeasement, this "greedy" consumption of food, can he not forgive one who chooses to preserve their own life, not in some act of selfishness, but because it's the normal human thing to do?
I don't think allpowerdup really needs to re-read his Bible.
I suppose it's up to each of us to interpate things how we see fit.
Is a person who wants to preserve life by considering a blood transfusion acting "greedily"? And if God can forgive, with proper appeasement, this "greedy" consumption of food, can he not forgive one who chooses to preserve their own life?
Does anyone know if anyone has been disfellowshipped for having a blood transfustion. I've heard of some witnesses having one but nothing was done, the elders left it up to them and Jehovah.
I don't think any verses show god not forgiving Noah for commiting incest with his own daughter while drunk either
No offense Gumby...but that was Lot....but I get your point nonetheless :)
Thanks for clarifying the whole matter, allpoweredup!!!
Noah got drunk and ran around naked then cursed his son for watching him run around naked.