From a website...
In 1991, while America's attention was absorbed in the Gulf War Crisis, the House "silently" passed, a little-known bill, called The Federal Telecommunication System 2000 (FTS 2000). At a cost of $25 billion, it is the single largest money appropriation in U.S. history. FTS 2000 requires by law, all computer and phone lines, connected via high-tech computer network. According to a published study of FTS 2000, by Craig Hulet, of KC & Associates, "The system is QUITE REAL; . . . THERE IS NO QUESTION that once it is in place, one will 'neither buy nor sell' without being very much a part of the system." Revelation 13:17! What do think President Clinton was referring to in his State of the Union address, on January 25, 1994, when he said, ". . . we must also work with the private sector to connect every classroom, every clinic, every library, every hospital in America into a NATIONAL INFORMATION SUPER HIGHWAY by the year 2000."
How serious are they? In the book,Creating a Government that Works Better & Costs Less by Vice President Al Gore. Vice President Gore, (p.114), calls for ". . . the rapid development of a nationwide system to deliver government benefits ELECTRONICALLY. . . develop an implementation plan for electronic benefits transfer by March 1994." According to Gore, the process is well under way (p.114), "There are test sites in Iowa, Minnesota, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wyoming."
In 1974, a strange, new mark began appearing on products. Until today, virtually every product is now marked with that familiar UPC barcode. And there are three embedded numbers on every UPC barcode.
What are the three hidden numbers?
The number "666" is hidden in every UPC bar code!
(If you don't believe it, get a bar code and look at it!.)
Something else mysterious has appeared. In the last few years, some UPC codes have appeared with additional boxes underneath the bar code. Beside the boxes are 2 letters - the letter F and the letter H! According to researchers, they stand for forehead or hand. And the purchaser must have the required mark in their forehead or hand before purchasing.
You say it'll never happen! SOME ARE ALREADY OUT!
One party moving rapidly in bar-code identification is the Federal Government. Automatic I.D. News, April 1991, says, (p.46) "Everything that is being used in the military system has been-or will be-marked with a bar code. . . EVEN DOWN TO INDIVIDUAL SOLDIERS. . . EVERYONE GETS A BAR CODE."
At least 15 high schools in New York City are participating in a pilot program using bar- coded identification and scanners to "keep careful tabs on the students"
Esquire magazine of March 1990, (p.89) asked the obvious question, ". . .will we all be tagged in the end?"
In 1935, the Social Security program was enacted as a simple retirement system to be funded by payroll contributions. But in 1974, the Senate Finance Committee voted to issue a Social Security card to every child entering the first grade. Time magazine of March 13, 1972, commenting on the action said, (p.16) "Such a system would further enable the Government to amass information on citizens and STORE IT IN A CENTRAL COMPUTER UNDER A SINGLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER." Then in 1989, a law was passed that every child, over two-years of age, must have a Social Security number to qualify as a dependent on tax returns. Now a program has been implemented, that when the baby is born, the hospital will automatically apply for the social security number! The name of the program � ENUMERATION AT BIRTH! To Enumerate means to "ASSIGN A NUMBER!"
The government is establishing a UNIVERSAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER!
An amazing fulfillment of prophecy is presently taking place � the merger of the European Community. According to Bible students, this incredible political-economic development, is nothing less than the revival of the once great Roman Empire, prophesied in Daniel. The Bible teaches the Anti-Christ will head up this 10-nation, Revised Roman Empire. And on January 1, 1993, the Revised Roman Empire officially began, called the United States of Europe. The Wichita Eagle described its uncanny birth, ". . . Since the fall of the Roman Empire, there has been the dream of a unified Europe. We are . . . seeing a brand NEW ROMAN EMPIRE RECONSTRUCTED."
The Bible, also refers to the Revised Roman Empire as Babylon. Babylon begin in Genesis chapter 11, when Nimrod tried to reach heaven and bring in a one-world government with the Tower of Babel, which God destroyed. The official poster for the United States of Europe is amazing! Believe it or not, but it actually portrays the United States of Europe as the Tower of Babel, with 12 stars representing the current 12 nations of the United States of Europe. And if that weren't enough, the 12 stars are not ordinary stars � BUT UPSIDE-DOWN PENTEGRAMS (which is the universal symbol for Satanism, found on the cover of THE SATANIC BIBLE)!
What do you think of this??? 666
by Confucious 11 Replies latest watchtower bible
First i thought ,upside, down 9s. Then after reading your post i have the willies, that is some freaky stuff.
Frannie Banannie
How does their legally (in the future) requiring anyone to have this mark stand up to scrutiny under the "separation of church and state" statutes, eh?
Frannie B
I believe that I can still eat if I am not able to hook up to the internet, or talk on the it will not have an effect on me.
But anyway, the numbers in the bible all come into play in the time that the wild beast acts, such as 42, 666, 216 (6x6x6)......etc. etc. All you have to do is look for them and pay attention to the numbers................(not numerology by the way)
Are UPC Bar Codes the "Mark of the Beast?"
Some examples that may help
Many individuals on the web have claimed that one of the product bar coding systems (UPC) is actually the "Mark of the Beast" prophesied in the Book of Revelation. The following page contains excerpts from one of these sites, e-mails exchanged with the author of a site making such a claim, a link to a site that teaches bar code reading, and images of actual bar codes.
If you are one of the unfortunate people that believes these sites, at least try to read this site on bar codes first:
If you already understand binary codes, you may wonder why the UPC codes seem "strange." It looks like the designers planned on introducing A - Z at some point. Also, the UPC can be read from either direction, and having left and right hand codes gives the reader the "hint" it needs about which end of the code it is reading from.
Before we start, ask yourself this question: Did Jesus use lies in proclaiming the Gospel? If not, should we trust people that rely on deception to further their agendas?
Now, since you know how to read the bar codes, let's take a look at the claims.
Some "bar code" Sites
All the claims of these sites revolve around the "three hidden sixes" in the UPC code. It doesn't seem to matter that what they say is "666" may actually be (if you believe their binary interpretation) 671890861444736. That's right, in their way of thinking, you are supposed to ignore the numbers that are visible and just read the "hidden" ones.
On most packages, the UPC code will have three pairs of lines at the start, middle, and end. These are not actually read as numbers but rather are used to adjust the reader for orientation and size of UPC. If you were to read them as binary, they would be "101," which as we know is the number five, not six ("110" in binary). So the numbers they claim as sixes are actually fives, if you must read them as numbers rather than timing marks. Here is a quote from an e-mail I received regarding UPCs:
True, the creators of the UPC can say that they are not 6s, but we can all
see that they are indeed just like the 6s on the right half of the UPC. So,
why do you believe what the creators say and not what you see with your own
eyes? Don't you realize that the creators have to slip in a 666 with some
alternative explanation to fool you into thinking they are not 6s at all?Sure enough, a six on the right side of a UPC has two thin lines in it. But if you remember, the lines and spaces count (as ones and zeroes) and each number is made up of seven binary places. A six on the left side looks different (it is actually a negative of the right side) so why would the two thin lines on the left count as a six? The rule here seems to be that any two thin lines count as a six. I questioned this, and got this response from the same person:
Now don't get carried away. We can share the gospel while also being careful
to identify the skincode system. Why did God put it in the Bible if He
didn't want us to identify it? So, then, it is not a waste of time. In fact,
the onset of the mark, and it's early detection, can surely work to bring
people to a stronger faith, and even initial salvation. My chapter has
strengthened many believers' faith.When pressed further about his use of deception and poor binary skills, he responded:
I didn't tell any lies. There are 3 standard sixes on the UPC, no matter
what anyone says.At this point, there is not use trying to respond. Other sites, as you will see below, even claim that people in the Midwest are already being marked!
As an aside, think of what this means from a Christian perspective. These "UPC conspiracy" sites are saying that God will condemn people for bearing a UPC with "hidden numbers." Does this sound like the Father that gave His only Son? Ironically, many of these people also profess a belief in "once saved, always saved." If this is true, how can a UPC code cause the loss of Salvation?
Now, let's just say I'm part of the conspiracy, and I'm trying to fool you. What is the logical thing to do? Learn to read the codes, get into the kitchen and start decoding. I've scanned the codes from three products that end in three black bars, not two, but the UPC sites claim they all end in two. Of course, you could just ignore one line. Anyway, here are three UPCs for your analysis: 04013 - 14447 - 03767
To be honest, this page is a complete waste of time. So many Christians get caught up in foolish diversions like bar codes and numerology, and it is all but impossible to free them from their illusions. If you've read this far, you probably already know this is foolishness. I guess it just bugged me to see so many lies told in the name of Jesus. Maybe they are true children of Martin Luther, who counseled "a good, strong lie for the sake of the Christian Church." (to Landgrave Philipp of Hesse, 1540, advised by Martin Luther to commit bigamy and then lie about it.)
This is the worst page on this site. Please go read one of the better ones. Or you can read our page that helped start the whole thing: Refuse the Mark.
Site Link
Quotes and Claims
"Bar codes, such as these, have already appeared in some Midwestern stores. According to researchers: the F - is for FOREHEAD, and the H - is for HAND! And according to researchers, the purchaser must have a mark in their right hand or forehead before purchasing!" Claims microchip is the mark of the beast and is going to be put on your hand or forehead, but repeats the same lies about the UPC meaning, too. This is not a problem site. They do a good job of exposing false claims made by frauds posing as Christians. Got a very nice mail back from them, too. How have we served you?
You can ask questions via the guestbook or e-mail, above.
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Interesting, though I think "666" is a Biblical reference for the beast.
But of note, the Satanic "number" is 9 and 666 inverted is 999. So maybe that's the game. The beast is honoring the "house of 9", Satan's house with the inverted 6. 9 is the Devil's number in the myseries. 6 is man's number. The Devil is the TRIANGLE and the PYRMID which is expressed as 3 or 9 since 3x3 is 9 and 999 is 3x9 as well. So six doesn't figure. You can make a pyramid with 3 triangles (9) but not two (6).
So my guess if the Freemasons were pushing any secretive subliminal numbers it would be 9 not 6, but then, 666 is upside down for 999 which is very much like the mysteries works, hiding something "in plain sight"--making you think it's about sixes when it's really about nines!
Good show! Thanks for the post!
I think 666 is what you get when you add 665+1.
The number has a certain gerimatric meaning in Qaballa, but this barcode nonsense is just a more loonies at work playing the conspiracy game. I sometimes wish people who believe this crap would drink the JimJones Koolaid and remove themselves from the gene pool.
The History Channel had a program on Revelations and it was suggested that 666 stood for the emporer Nero who was killing Christians at the time. Just FYI
Now now , if you just read your watchtower you wouldn't freak so hard on the bar code thing . I am tho waiting for something even stranger than that to happen . Like forcing people to carry a political card of some kind .They are doing that in some countries but so far not in the "free" countries . The WTBTS states that the 666 is representative of the gross immorality of a political monster. I listened to a televangelist last night who is waiting for some moslem super power to take over the satelites in space , I had to laugh at that myself . The US is a political monster IMO .