My cat.....

by Country Girl 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I have a cat that has been with me for 15 years. He *was* big, and he has 27 toes. he is dying of FIV, Feline Immunodeficiency Virus... or feline AIDS. He has lost a lot of weight. He used to weigh around 27 lbs.. now he weights 2 lbs at the most. He is a skeleton. He was very particular about his fur... now his fur is very nasty... We are going to put him to sleep this weekend and it's driving me crayzy.. I'll msss him..


  • drwtsn32

    So sorry to hear this, CG. We have had to put two of our cats down due to sudden illness and understand your pain.

  • ohiocowboy

    I am so sorry that you are going through this. Please know I am thinking of you.

  • maybesbabies

    I'm so sorry hon, it's like losing family..

  • Sunspot


    I've had "a cat" ever since I was a child. I am a confirmed cat "nut". I know the pain you are going through.....and send my sympathies. I am so sorry.



  • Cassiline
    He *was* big, and he has 27 toes

    A cat in Canada is in the Guiness bool of world records for having 27 toes.

    I am sorry to hear of your impending loss, I know it's hard we do get attached. I put my cat down when she was diagonised with the same. This before the vaccine was widely avaliable.



  • Gretchen956

    OMG I hate it when you lose one of your kids! I'm so sorry your baby will be put to sleep this weekend. The only solice I have in times like those are from what a vet once told me. He said that most animals (cats and dogs) have such a high pain threshhold that by the time they make "pain" sounds or are miserable they are in an amount of pain that would be excruciating for one of us. In fact he said we wouldn't even be able to stand it. So for the easing of pain and suffering, your baby will be in a better place. I'll be thinking about you.


  • joannadandy


    I had to put my kitty to sleep about a year ago (I think the thread is still here somewhere). I feel your pain. I had my cat since I was 7 years was the hardest thing I ever did. But she was suffering and it was ultimately the right choice.

    I still miss her, and swear there will never be another cat as great as she was, but it gets easier with time.

    Be there with your kitty, make your goodbyes, and know you've done the humane thing...

    *more hugs!*

  • Insomniac

    Athene- I'm so sorry about your cat. I had to have my Antoinette put to sleep last year- she was coming up on 23 years old, so I guess I should have been thankful to have had her by me for so long, but, God it hurt to say goodbye. For all the unconditional acceptance and love our critter friends give us, our final gift to them is often a gentle and dignified end to their suffering. As painful as it is, trust me when I say that, in time, it gets better and you can focus on the happy memories you had with your kitty. It sounds like he was one hell of a cat, and you're doing right by him. Hang in there, kid. -Elizabeth

  • notperfectyet


    I am so sorry,

    damn I hate when this happens...

    I love you.

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