HEY! WE ARE BACK ONLINE after two days. No Phone or internet since leaving Sioux Falls South Dakota.
More of Steve and Joy's Excellent Adventure. This is the Busselman Adventure.
We drove a couple extra hours Sunday to be able to link up with the famous Gary Busselman, the excellent author of the Armageddon OKies series and known here as Garybuss.
From the first moment I was pleasantly surprised. Why did I expect a gruff, cantankerous old fart? I was so wrong. I would best describe Gary as A big Smile, That is GaryBuss. Very witty and jovial. Imagine Santa Claus with a Smiley Face smile.
writing. Thanks for the evening Gary.
Day 10, Steve and Joys Busselman Adventure,
by jst2laws 20 Replies latest jw friends
Hey Steve, Nancy and I are reading your descriptions of us and we are both laughing. Thanks for the pictures. We have enjoyed meeting former Witnesses very much over the years and you and Joy raised the bar. Thanks so much for taking the time to visit us.
All my favorite views of the Dakota Bad Lands have been through the rear view mirror getting smaller and smaller. The area is a fossil rich area. There are fish fossils deep inside the rocks, as well as sea shells and dinosaurs. We have been wondering how they got inside those rocks on a hill.
Did you notice any Kingdom Halls in the Bad Lands? Guess the Society doesn't want a Kingdom Hall with the name, "bad" in it.
You didn't mention if you saw Deadwood. The hills are pretty and the food is good and the gambling sucks. Be careful and have fun. See ya later, GaryB -
Beautiful guys...........................
Amazing how we have friendships all over with the common bond that we have.......
Oops............now how on earth did I type HappySad instead of
Steve Joy you have a PM
Yes tomorrow we cover the bad lands, and the day after, or maybe Monday (??) I will cover Deadwood.
We have more true friends now then 36 years as a JW put together. And most are so smart and talented. Thats probably why they left too.
Steve and Joy, I didn't realize you were out in the Dakotas at all.
Thanks for posting the pictures. Gary's writing cracks me up so much. I've always thought he would be a real 'character', and you confirmed it!
Edited to add the question: Who is "Randy" in these Okie stories? Is that supposed to be Randy Watters?
Oops............now how on earth did I type HappySad instead of
HappyDad Either you like oxymorons or the faullt of a QWERTY keyboard. Hiya Steve and Garybuss!! Looks like you all had a great time! Please pass my hello onto to Joy. Thanks for sharing! Cassi
HI bebu, you wrote: "Who is "Randy" in these Okie stories" . . .
The Okie stories started out as letters I wrote to Randy Watters in the mid 1990's.
They are not set in Oklahoma, but in NW Arkansas. If you look on a map in the area of Eureka Springs, you see the towns in the letters. Randy is from Oklahoma and he related to Okies. It has all been in fun and friendship and many of the stories are true . . . the names have been changed to protect the idiots the stories are really about.
Nancy gave many of the story lines. She was raised on a farm in Minnesota and her mother raised two pet raccoons in the house once and her uncle built an airplane hanger for a P40 in the barnyard and he didn't even have an airplane.
My friends tell me I have wit and humor. The Watch Tower calls me a ridiculer. :-)
I was raised by Witness parents of the lower economic achievement and proud of it class, so I have some first hand experience with chicken killings, coon hunts, skunks under the porch, and service in dusty jalopies. As a Witness, my talents and my humor had no real outlet. In the secular world, and in the ex-Witnesses community, I fit in very well and am quite happy with my life right now.
Happy week end to you and all. GaryB -
Wow, i wish i had been paying more attention to your posts as you could have planned a visit with us here in Knoxville Tennessee, anytime you want to drop by, just let me know