A book that I feel has more value and wisdom than the bible is: The Hitchhiker Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams (All 5 book in the trilogy actually)
oh, i concur. you're obviously a frood who really knows where his towel is.
i especially prefer the first book still, classic. Restaurant at the end of the universe is great for those who are ex-religious (love the messiah never showing up for his scheduled dinner appearance, love that).
i find for 'serious' reading that the Four Agreements makes a hell of a lot more sense to me than the bible does. It's a lot simpler, and i find beauty in simplicity.
i would also recommend, next time you're in the children's book section, you all check out the trilogy "click clack moo, cows that type", "giggle giggle quack" and finally the third book "Duck for president".
very, very entertaining.
Now if you'll excuse me, there seems to be a bulldozer out in front of my house...what's that you say, Mr. Prosser? You're building a bypass?
I never did get the hang of thursdays. But then isn't it friday now?