Nothing is OWED to anybody...........that is like saying that if you are willing to work your ass off for what you have.........and I am a lazy bastard and don't want to work, but expect to be spoon fed........that part of what you earn should take care of me.............please don't take offense at what I say........but why should your or my labors take care of the "don't give a damn.........I'm entitled crowd?" We (in America) all go to the same schools with the same I will not believe that a Jew, or oriental or whatever color or race in the same class as a person of another color or culture (this is just a comparison) and the Jew or the oriental goes on to become a lawyer or some other professional making 6 figures.........and the other person says that the education process is not good and goes on public assistance for the rest of his or her life.........and blame someone or something for their own failures..........the blame is not on is to be blamed on the failure of the individual of the family of this individual for being negligent and feeling entitled also. On the other hand........I DO believe in government assistance for those individuals who have grown up in adverse conditions and want to exceed in their personal growth and education................but everyone needs to STOP blaming the hard working and entrpenurial people who want to exceed for society's ills. If it wasn't for the people who start businesses where would us working class be?
Sounds like a republican chant here but I am in no way........a diehard republican.........more like a repdemocrat or demopublican...........POLITICS SUCK!
I just believe that everyone can go as far as they are willing to dream and carry it out.
OK.........I'm done with my soapbox public talk..........(gee.......wonder what would be said if I gave this talk at one of the district conventions I used to speak at)? 
Hey.........I love everyone here.......don't be mad at me for my opinion.