Ex JW Author To Speak

by Kenneson 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kenneson


    Whether it is the intent or not of agnostics and atheists to change others beliefs may not be the point; perhaps belittling others beliefs is. Where have they shown respect to Mr. Milton?

  • larc

    Kenneson, you say that trying to change a Christians belief is not the point. I thought that, that was the point that you made. I simply responded to your premis. Am I right or wrong? I asked for quotes from the many like myself who post here. If you can give an example of your original statements, I will be very surprised. It was not beside the point originally. I responded simply and directly to your assertion. Hey you brought up the subject, not me. I simply responded to what you said, because I disagreed and explained why. It was not "beside the point" at the time. So, why has it become beside the point now? I just think you are blowing me off. That is not Christian of you. ............................................................................................ Regarding Mr. Milton, I don't know him, so I don't know if I should repect him or not. Who are the "they" that you refer to, who castigate him. Are any here on this forumn. If so, who are they? ............................................................................................ I don't juge people on their beliefs. Rather, I judge them on their behavior. I have several friends who are Christians. One in particular is one of my best friends. He has a PhD in communications, and a master's degree (obtained after his PhD) in theology. When I worked with him he created two jobs for himself, caplain of the college and onbudsman. He is a very fine man.

  • larc

    I forgot add. You said folks like myself belittle the believers. Do a search of my posts and find one example. I thought I had covered this ground before.

  • larc

    I forgot add. You said folks like myself belittle the believers. Do a search of my posts and find one example. I thought I had covered this ground before.

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