Protecting your kids

by Lehaa 11 Replies latest social family

  • GermanXJW

    In German we have (like the French) two kinds of "You" one for closer people ("Du") and one for people we are not so close with ("Sie") also related with different imperatives.

    When there are people nearby it makes a difference tp them if the kid uses "Du" or "Sie" in "Leave me alone!" So, it is obvious that is not a familiar person the kid is struggeling with.

    May work in some other languages as well - but unfortunately not in English.

  • Golf

    Lehaa, microchip our children? Don't worry, it will become the order of the day. Recently a TV personality was highlighting the benefits of microchipping our children. Do I agree, NO! I want to control my destiny. Let's microchip those who suggest others to be microchipped and let me operate the 'control' buttons.

    Guest 77

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