Being Patriotic , is it really that bad ???

by run dont walk 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    today was Canada Day , birth of our nation way back on July 1st, 1867, and the US will celebrate theirs on July 4th.

    I was out and about today, and i just noticed how happy and proud people seemed to be today, I guess I never really noticed it other years.

    What was the Watchtowers big deal, my god, cant support or have any fun regarding the government.

    I am totally EMBARRASSED, about the way i felt about my country, not taking part, not saluting the flag, not voting. We all live in a great country, free from so many problems on this planet, and whats wrong with saying thank you, one day of the year.

    Well, I guess i am a truly patriotic person now, proud of my country and those who defend it.

    Happy Birthday Canada !!!!!!!!!!!


    Happy Birthday in advance United States Of America, to all of you south of the border, get out and enjoy it. And be proud to be an American.

    How do you feel about your country now that you are out of the borg ???

  • Englishman
    How do you feel about your country now that you are out of the borg ???

    I've definitely become more patriotic. I really hate it when our own country is unfaily maligned.

    Mind you, we don't help ourselves in this regard. In the UK, everything is under-stated.

    For example, Churchill is buried in a very ordinary grave in the countryside, George Orwell and other famous men and woman the same. In the US they would have had at least a library named after them.

    Sometimes that under-stating leads to other nations under-estimating us however. The last time a successful invasion of the UK occurred was in 1066, so we do tend to hold our own in conflicts.


  • blondie

    I did find this statue and this center archiving Churchill's papers. I wrote a paper in school re Churchill that won an award. Many people in the US remember Churchill with fondness and his American mother.

    CHURCHILL STATUE - Winston overlooks his beloved Parliament from Parliament Square

    The Churchill Archives Centre was purpose-built in 1974 to house Sir Winston Churchill's Papers - some 3000 boxes of letters and documents ranging from his first childhood letters, via his great war-time speeches, to the writings which earned him the Nobel Prize for Literature. They form an incomparable documentary treasure trove.

  • czarofmischief

    Isn't Darwin buried in Westminster Abbey?


  • Yerusalyim

    Being patriotic is a good thing.

  • Simon

    Patriotism = good

    Nationalism = bad

    People who claim nationalism is patriotic = idiots

  • jwbot

    The funny thing is, is I am more patriotic now. But people would think otherwise but only because they do not know what patriotism is or means.

    I love my country so I do what I can to make it better-to change things-to progrees. I vote, I write letters and I am a gay rights activist, feminist, etc. I do not like the current president but I respect hin. I will vote against him. I do not put a flag sticker on my car, I do not own an SUV, I am called unpatriotic. I love this country but I will not blindly follow its leaders when I feel they are wrong.

  • gitasatsangha

    I was always kind of a closet patriot, I guess, but things came full circle when I replaced the bible on my bookshelf with a biography of George Washington.

  • Crazy151drinker
  • talesin

    This is an interesting subject to me.

    I'm happy to be a Canadian. I feel lucky to be a Canadian. But am I PROUD to be a Canadian? Well, no. Why should I be proud that I accidentally was born on a certain patch of soil?

    I like to think that I can use this 'luckiness' of my accident of birth to help others in the world. How? Well, first and foremost by ensuring that Canada continues to be one of the free-est, most peacable countries in the world.

    As a Canadian, I would like to speak out about injustice and tyranny, in my own country, as well as others. I would like to see that we are not ruled by the rich elite, that we turn our country around from following the consumeristic lead of our cousins to the south. That we maintain our unique identity as a rather quiet, but thinking, culture, who takes care of their own and are peace-keepers on the world stage.

    We may not want to LEAD the world, but we sure are there to back up our friends when they need us. I only hope that I make a contribution that allows me to be, personally, proud to say "I am Canadian", and know that my heritage is intact because I have done something to preserve it.

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