My uncle was a PO who had a reputation for being VERY strict and not kind when it came to "discipline". Many people complained about him, but he had a longstanding reputation and did favors for other elders to get their family appointed to various positions. None of the rest of teh body of elders ever wanted to say anything because they were all too afriad to croos his path. The complaints went on for years.
I had friends visiting from England one year and planned a day trip to Las Vegas. My uncle told my cousin who was 27 btw that he shouldnt go because Vegas was the "devil's playground". He called my dad and said the same thing. I ended up going anyway, with several ministerial servants and the PO of my own hall, who's daughter was my best friend. We got home very late that Saturday night/ Sunday morning. So I took my English friends to a later meeting at my Uncle's hall. My Uncle ran the Watchtower study, and from the platform publicly chastized me for taking my "christian" friends on an "unchristian" outting. Well I went home, told my dad, and also called me PO.
My uncle was removed as an Elder shortly afterwards. I think it was just the final straw.