I took the "Belief-O-Matic" survey at Beliefnet yesterday, and it looks like I am a Mormon.
The survey matches your beliefs on various matters to the creeds of the world's religions and assigns a percentage. I was 100% Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints. Next up was Jehovah's Witnesses, whose creeds I matched to the 82nd percentile. That's no surprise, since I am a baptized (though inactive) Witness and have been for 31 years.
When I looked at the link to Mormon beliefs, I found them to be somewhat strange in several respects and certainly not a body of teaching that I would subscribe to. So I retook the survey.
Next time around, I decided to click on the responses that I really felt, rather than what I simply acknowledged could be true. For example, in the matter of homosexuality, though there are certain Bible verses that can be used to condemn the practice, I personally am somewhat more accepting of it.
The second survey pegged me as Liberal to Moderate Protestant. Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons were much further down on the list. That seems to be a better fit, though I'm not about to run to the nearest Lutheran church. But, when a religion shows some degree of flexibility and an openness to other possibilities (such as evolution theory) I am more inclined in that direction.....at least I think I am. Who knows, maybe I'm a Mormon after all.