oh my god.
that has to be one of the worst things i have ever heard. sadly, i have absolutely no doubt it happened exactly as you say.
i too have lost people i loved in the jws to suicide. one was a 'perfect' pioneer that i worshipped from afar, and last year, a dear old friend who was df'd and 8 weeks later killed himself. if only i'd known he was df'd, i would have reached out to him. he wouldnt' have had to be alone. i wrote long posts about both of them under my old username, i would bump them if anyone wanted to read them, if they're still here. or i can repost.
i'm so sorry, just so sorry beyond words.
i remember after my perfect pioneer committed suicide, the only person who gave me a shoulder to cry on and any understanding was a guy i worked with, who happened to be gay and had lost a lot of friends to suicide. i don't know what i would've done without his support.
it really speaks of the strength at your core as a human being that you made it through that day. you must be an extraordinary person. your friend was lucky to have had your friendship.