people who are alive, are dead.
in their half witted brain washed wtBtS indoctrination, they are taught that they have to shun people they love if they find themselves out of the borg's good graces. Doesn't matter what the 'crime' is, could be simply disagreeing with something in a WT article, could be any one of a million things. it's not always the "big F" that gets people disfellowshipped. And even in cases where that IS it there are usually extenuating circumstances and people are just trying to do their best.
If you're a JW lurker on here, I want you to go to the thread Puternut started and read about the accident his daughter was in today. She's okay, thank, well, whomever you want to thank, I don't thank god cause i'm agnostic. but anyway, read that and then think again how much sense it makes to shun people who are STILL HERE!
To me one of the biggest sins a person can make is to be arrogant. and there is nothing more arrogant than turning away from someone who loves you because the WTS tells you to. Who are YOU to sit in judgement of another's soul? Who are YOU to decide that someone isn't fit to speak to their family ever again because they left someone who abused them, or some other thing you likely have no clue the real reasons for?
I PLEAD with you to pick up the phone. Call the person you've been shunning. Tell them that you love them. I have had more than one family member come as close to death as you can get without warning, in an instant in the past few years. luckily for me, they knew how i felt, and i knew how they felt, and they are still with me now.
but i think that if i were gone tomorrow, there would be a lot left unsaid between me and my family. i say as much as i can, every chance i get no matter how small. but they would regret, i think, wasting the time.
don't do it. it's not worth it. don't waste time.
(sorry, a bit emotional tonight)