There were other really funny touches. Like, the gift shop sold Tomb of Christ sake cups and backscratchers. The gift shop also sold "Dracula" brand ice cream cups. I was wondering what in the world did Dracula have to do with Jesus Christ until I noticed the cross and glove of garlic pictured in the logo. So it looked like they had no idea who Dracula was but sold the brand because it had a cross on the logo.
My Visit to Jesus' Tomb -- in Japan!
by Leolaia 21 Replies latest jw friends
Undaunted Danny
Danny sez:The Japanese are SMART people.I love my Sony stuff.
The Japanese Emperor: man god? ?When the Emperor passed by we had to bow our heads very low. We were made to believe that the Emperor was too awe inspiring for ordinary humans to look upon directly.?
Such was the depth of reverence afforded the Japanese Emperor. Children were, in fact, told that they would go blind if they looked directly upon the face of the Emperor. Devotion to the Emperor meant being willing to die for him. Thus, children were taught in school from a very young age to willingly give their lives to defend the leader. Young people were taught that they were aohitogusa ? growing human weeds ? who were to protect the Emperor by serving as his shield. This was, of course, seen as a great privilege.
To die for the Emperor was the highest honor that could be attained. The Japanese people were actually taught that their Emperor was of divine origin. So, for them in battle, a supernatural protection would be in effect. Many believed that bullets would simply bounce off them in battle because they were fighting for their God Emperor. Such beliefs in the Godlike status of the Emperor have existed......... UNTIL.
The Columbia World of Quotations. 1996. NUMBER: 28337 QUOTATION: We have resolved to endure the unendurable and suffer what is unsufferable. ATTRIBUTION: Hirohito, Emperor Of Japan (1901?1989), Japanese emperor. Quoted in A.J.P. Taylor, Listener (London, September 9, 1976). Following the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima...We Don't get fooled again!...
Regarding the decline of Watctower cult activity in Japan : The interesting exception to the global rebound is again Japan, where the decline of the number of publishers continues. The absolute number of the publishers who stopped preaching in Japan is the largest among the developed countries. The decline of 951 publishers in Japan is by far the largest in the world, (2nd Britain -323, 3rd Finland -191) and even larger than her last year's decline of 895. See here for the growth pattern of Japan. The number of baptism in Japan has also steeply declined........YES!The Japanese are weary of hedging on another foolhardy sucker bet.The Japanese are smart people.THEY DON'T GET FOOLED AGAIN!
More pictures from the Shingo area in northern Honshu.....
Wow. Amazing pictures. I like how you got that beam of light focusing on the cross, or is it a beam of light eminating from the cross on the grave of the real jesus?
Satanus.....That picture is from a waterfall a few miles out, near the largest lake in northern Honshu. The top picture on this thread is from Jesus' grave.....lots of great sites tho, I agree. Except I spent a very frustrating day trying to see Mt. Fuji....went right up to the base of the mountain and the whole damn thing was enshrouded in cloud....then spent 3 hours on a very local bus trying to get back.
Right now I'm in Nagoya and just came from a stable where I watched the leading sumo wrestlers have their practice and warm-ups; this afternoon I'm gonna see the big professional match in the stadium. I also got to meet Musashimaru, the yokozuna (top wrestler of Japan) who is retiring this year. I hope to have pics up when I return to Tokyo.
Regarding the decline of Watctower cult activity in Japan : The interesting exception to the global rebound is again Japan, where the decline of the number of publishers continues. The absolute number of the publishers who stopped preaching in Japan is the largest among the developed countries. The decline of 951 publishers in Japan is by far the largest in the world, (2nd Britain -323, 3rd Finland -191) and even larger than her last year's decline of 895. See here for the growth pattern of Japan. The number of baptism in Japan has also steeply declined........YES!The Japanese are weary of hedging on another foolhardy sucker bet.The Japanese are smart people.THEY DON'T GET FOOLED AGAIN!
This seems to contradict this paragraph in the April 1st issue of The Watchtower magazine:
"Many publishers in Japan have become skilled at making return visits in shopping areas, factories, and offices. In addition, through this means of witnessing, many inactive ones have been contacted and studies started with them. The results have been outstanding. One congregation in central Tokyo recently reported 108 hoe Bible studies, more than double the number reported a year ago." (page 8)
What you'd call "spin", eh?
Interestingly they admit to having "many inactive ones".
Sirius Dogma
This seems as plausable as him rising from the dead 3 days later or returning in 1914 and no one noticing.
Welcome Back Leolaia
Very interesting info......and wonderful pictures...thanks for sharing....
The pictures are great and the Christ story, well, very entertaining....
Tell a story long enough and people will start to believe it is true.
If I ever find myself in Japan, I'll have to make a visit there!